Crystallography is one of the most multidisciplinary sciences, with roots in fields as varied as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, computation and earth and planetary science. The structural knowledge gained from crystallography has been instrumental in acquiring new levels of understanding in numerous scientific areas. Perspectives in Crystallography provides an overview of the current state of the field, reviews its historical origins and explains how crystallography contributes to the sustainability of life. This book resonates with the recent United Nations and UNESCO International Year of Crystallography, a celebration of its achievements and importance, undertaken with the International Union of Crystallography.
The author of this book is the editor in chief of Crystallography Reviews, where some of the contents have been previously published. Here, subjects of interest to specialists and non-specialists have been brought together in a single source. The book opens with a description of the ways to explain crystallography to diverse general audiences. It also addresses various topics in crystallography, including:
- The evolution and importance of synchrotron radiation to crystallography
- The structural chemistry and biology of colouration in marine crustacea
- Predicting protonation states of proteins versus crystallographic experimentation
The book then offers a projection of crystal structure analysis in the next 100 years and concludes by emphasizing the societal impacts of crystallography that allow for sustainability of life.
Perspectives in Crystallography offers a threefold look into the past, present and long-term development and relevance of crystal structure analysis. It is concerned not only with the state of the field, but with its role in the perpetuation of life on earth. As such, it is a reference of vital interest to a bro
About the Author:
John R. Helliwell is emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He has a DPhil in molecular biophysics from the University of Oxford and a Doctor of Science Physics degree from the University of York. He has presented crystallography and research to diverse audiences in academic and scientific civil service contexts and has served the International Union of Crystallography as a representative in several global organisations. He has also chaired science advisory committees in Japan, Australia, the United States and Europe. He received the Patterson Award of the American Crystallographic Association and the Perutz Prize of the European Crystallographic Association, and is a fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Biology and the American Crystallographic Association.