Joaquim Braga and Mário Santiago de Carvalho
1 - Jean-Philippe Pierron
Care: A New Arrival in the History of Philosophy?
2 - João Maria André
From an anthropology of vulnerability to the ethics of care
3 - Mário Jorge de Carvalho The Circles of Care - a Stoic Approach
4 - Luis Mendes
The relation between care and despair, according to Kierkegaard
5 - Virginia Held
Care Ethics and the Economy 6 - Jerónimo Molina Cano & Jesús A. Guillamón Ayala
Welfare, care and human economy in the theory of Wilhelm Röpke
7 - Joaquim Braga
Time, Space and Care III - CARE AND OTHERNESS
8 - Fábio Serranito
(Mis)understanding ἐπιμέλεια ἀρετῆς (care for virtue) in Plato's Euthydemus 9 - Hélder Telo
The Care of Others in Marcus Aurelius' Meditations 10 - Thierry Meynard
Care and compassion: a Buddhist contribution to the philosophy of care
11 - Maria Camps
Care in the Protection of the Patriarchal Family According to Francisco de Vitoria's 'De Restitutione'
12 - José Beato
Care: a virtue among virtues
13 - Fabiana Tamizari
On Women: an analysis about the status of women in Denis Diderot's theory of Enlightenment
14 - Samuel Oliveira
Care of the Self: The opposition between "lover of self" (φίλος αὑτῷ) and "excessive love of self" (σφόδρα ἑαυτοῦ φιλία) in Plato's Laws
15 - Cristiano Casalini
Cura personalis: The Care of the Person and the Roots of Jesuit Pedagogy
16 - Simone Guidi
From Charity to the Care of the Self: Thomas Browne's Religio Medici 17 - Laura Madella
Philosophy of Care and the Bildungsroman: Words and Facts in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre 18 - Myriam Moreira Protasio
Care of oneself and the psychologycal clinic: kierkegaardian contributions
19 - Cláudio Carvalho
Acedia and its care 20 - Catarina Rebelo
The different suffering modalities, from Paul Ricoeur's text Suffering is not the pain and its relevance in the non-conventional therapies 21 - Amanda Barros Pereira Palmeira & Rodrigo Barros Gewehr
The place of the experience of illness in the understanding of disease: Medical discourse and subjectivity
22 - Paulo Alexandre e Castro
Take care of your mind: a short discussion between clinical hypnosis and philosophy of mind
About the Author: Joaquim Braga is researcher and professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Coimbra. He is also a member of the Research Unit "Institute for Philosophical Studies". His graduation in Philosophy took place at the Faculty of Letter of the University of Coimbra. In 2010, at the Humboldt University of Berlin, he finished his PhD with a thesis based upon the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer. Currently, his research activity covers the fields of Picture Theory, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture and Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, with a special interest in symbolic thought. Inter alia, his works include Die symbolische Prägnanz des Bildes. Zu einer Kritik des Bildbegriffs nach der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers (Freiburg, 2012), Rethinking Culture and Cultural Analysis - Neudenken von Kultur und Kulturanalyse (Berlin, 2013), Leituras da Sociedade Moderna. Media, Política, Sentido (Coimbra, 2013), Símbolo e Cultura (Coimbra, 2014), Bernard de Mandeville's Tropology of Paradoxes: Morals, Politics, Economics, and Therapy (Springer, 2015), Antropologia da Individuação. Estudos sobre o Pensamento de Ernst Cassirer (Porto Alegre, 2017), Conceiving Virtuality: From Art to Technology (Springer, 2019), Sensibilidade e matéria no pensamento de Denis Diderot (Coimbra, 2020), Michel Foucault e os Discursos do Corpo (Campinas, 2020), Teoria das Formas Imagéticas. Ensaios sobre Arte, Estética, Tecnologia (Coimbra, 2020).
Mário Santiago de Carvalho is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Coimbra and Scientific Coordinator of the R&D Unit, Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos (IEF). Author of several books and papers related to his main philosophical fields of research - Portuguese Aristotelianism, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Music - he has taught at other Universities, in Portugal and abroad, has translated Greek and Latin philosophical texts, and is currently supervising the bilingual edition of the Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu.