Photonic crystals are a very hot topic in photonics. The basics, fabrication, application and new theoretical developments in the field of photonic crystals are presented in a comprehensive way, together with a survey of the advanced state-of-the-art report.
About the Author: Kuon INOUE; PhD (The University of Tokyo):
1961 graduation from The University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics,
1966 finishing the Graduate School (Doctor Course) of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1966-1967 Post Doctoral Fellow of JSPS, at Institute of Solid State Physics
1967-1970 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Shizuoka University
1970-1984 Associate professor, Depertement of Physics, Shizuoka University
1984-2001 Professor, Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido university
2001- present Guest Professor of Chitose Institute of Science and Technology,
Emeritus Professor of Hokkaido University
Kazuo OHTAKA; PhD (The University of Tokyo):
1964 graduation from The University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics
1967 assistant of The University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics
1988 associate professor of The University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics
1989 professor of Chiba University, Laboratory of Applied Physics,
2000 professor of Chiba University, Center of Frontier Science