Just in time, a solution for frantic job seekers! Me. Pick Me! Marketing Yourself for a Job delivers original ideas and clever attention grabbers to wow a potential employer.
About the Author: Her diverse career experience also includes serving as president of a public relations company in Houston, Texas. In that capacity, Corinne gained national attention as the winner of a public relations excellence award, presented by Walter Cronkite, for copywriting acumen and design of a six-week marketing campaign. A contributing writer for a national pilot project and book, Cases of Women Who Have Won(TM), she has additionally written, designed and coordinated the production of corporate collateral materials and campaigns over a two-decade marketing career to include magazine and newspaper ads, editorial copy, press releases, speeches and media ads. In a consultant capacity, Corinne has developed and implemented integrated strategic marketing and communications plans including brand positioning and development, partnership alliances, web site and e-Commerce development.
She has an extensive background in sales and training, and writes, lectures and consults to help individuals present themselves more powerfully. Earlier in a sales career, she was first in her company to negotiate a national contract with a top Fortune 500 company. In another setting, she was the company's statewide top producer. Throughout her career, Corinne has assisted and conferred with leaders from athletes to astronauts, celebrities to executives. Besides being a champion contest speaker, she's led conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings reaching thousands of people, addressing topics from marketing to motivation. Corinne is a consultant and speech writer for some of America's top CEOs.
A vocal soprano soloist and a former professional model, she's a former Participant of Leadership Houston; a 1990 Corporate Representative - Houston Post's Businesswoman of the Year; and a member on several boards. Corinne has directed and performed in a myriad of musical presentations and theatrical performances, among those the ABC nationally-televised Houston Christmas Pageant.
A native of Missouri, Corinne attended the University of Houston and holds a B.S. in business administration from Chadwick University in Birmingham, Alabama. Her family includes five children, three daughters-in-law, and two grandchildren. Corinne and her husband reside on California's Pacific coast.