Part 1: The Financial Planning Process.-
Chapter 1: Understanding the Challenge: The Need to Begin.-
Chapter 2: Do You Need a Financial Planner?.-
Chapter 3: Elements of Personal Financial Planning and the Wealth Management Process.-
Part 2: Protecting Yourself, Your Family, and Your Property.-
Chapter 4: Insuring Yourself and Your Family.-
Chapter 5: Insuring Your Health and Long-term Care.-
Chapter 6: Insuring Your Earning Power.-
Chapter 7: Insuring Your Property.-
Chapter 8: Optimizing Your Employment Benefits.-
Part 3: Accumulating Wealth.- Chapter 9: Investing in Financial Assets.-
Chapter 10: Investing in Real Assets.-
Chapter 11: Investing in Use Assets.-
Part 4: Defending Wealth.-
Chapter 12: Income Tax Planning and Management.-
Chapter 13: Transfer Tax Planning and Management.-
Chapter 14: Life Events that Endanger Wealth.-
Part 5: Distributing Wealth During Your Lifetime.-
Chapter 15: Planning for Your Child's Higher Education.-
Chapter 16: Planning for the Financial Aspects of Retirement.-
Chapter 17: Planning for the Lifestyle Needs of Retirement.-
Chapter 18: Planning for Other Lifetime Goals.-
Part 6: Distributing Wealth at Death.-
Chapter 19: Estate Planning.-
Chapter 20: Philanthropy.-
Part 7: Summarizing the Personal Financial Planning Process.-
Chapter 21: Reaping the Rewards.-
Appendix A: Sample Data-Gathering Form.-
Appendix B: Sample Budget.-
Appendix C: Power of Attorney.-
Appendix D: Declaration as to Medical or Surgical Treatment and Medical Durable Power of Attorney.-
Appendix E: Sample Personal Letter of Instruction.-
About the Author: Keith R. Fevurly is currently an investment advisor with Integra Financial, Inc., and a senior lecturer in finance at Metropolitan State University of Denver. He also conducts a private practice in estate planning in Centennial, Colorado. Previously, he served as the vice president of education at the College for Financial Planning, Denver, Colorado and also served as the executive director of Kaplan Financial's financial planning program. Dr. Fevurly has assisted in the financial education of approximately 50,000 financial planners and authored more than 20 refereed articles on financial planning. He was a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Financial Planning, which is the major academic and professional journal for personal financial planners for over 20 years; and he has written proprietary textbooks on investment planning, income-tax planning, and estate planning for Kaplan University. He is a licensed attorney in the states of Colorado and Kansas and has been a CFP certificant since 1986.