1. Measuring Freezing Tolerance: Survival and Regrowth Assays
Daniel Z. Skinner and Kimberly Garland-Campbell
2. Measuring Freezing Tolerance: Electrolyte Leakage and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Assays
Anja Thalhammer, Dirk K. Hincha and Ellen Zuther
3. Conducting Field Trials for Freezing Tolerance Breeding in Cereals
Luigi Cattivelli
4. A Whole Plant Screening Test to Identify Genotypes with Superior Freezing Tolerance
Annick Bertrand, Yves Castonguay and Josée Bourassa
5. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Associated with Plant Freezing Tolerance and Cold Acclimation
Evelyne Téoulé and Carine Géry
6. Common Garden Experiments to Characterize Cold Acclimation Responses in Plants from Different Climatic Regions
Andrey Malyshev, Hugh A. L. Henry and Juergen Kreyling
7. Identification of Arabidopsis Mutants with Altered Freezing Tolerance
Carlos Perea-Resa and Julio Salinas
8. Infrared Thermal Analysis of Plant Freezing Processes
Gilbert Neuner and Edith Kuprian
9. Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy to Study the Freezing Behavior of Plant Tissues
Seizo Fujikawa and Keita Endoh
10. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Frozen and Thawed Plant Tissues from Microscopic Images
David P. Livingston III and Tan D. Tuong
11. Proteomic Approaches to Identify Cold Regulated Soluble Proteins
Stefanie Döll, Rico Lippmann and Hans-Peter Mock
12. Proteomic Approaches to Identify Cold Regulated Plasma Membrane Proteins
Daisuke Takahashi, Takato Nakayama, Yushi Miki, Yukio Kawamura and Matsuo Uemura
13. Profiling Methods to Identify Cold Regulated Primary Metabolites Using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry
Frederik Dethloff, Alexander Erban, Isabel Orf, Jessica Alpers, Ines Fehrle, Olga Beine-Golovchuk, Stefanie Schmidt, Jens Schwachtje and Joachim Kopka