Are you tired of trying new diets and then find out they don't work? Do you feel that even if you work hard to lose weight, nothing happens and you feel frustrated? Is it easier for you to quit? Would you like to embrace a new change, a new challenge that will bring you to unexpected goals? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then stop for a moment and keep reading How many diets, new eating trends have you tried? You lose weight very fast, but after a few months, you gain weight with something more. You now feel that you are unworthy, useless and not able to stick on a plan, so you let yourself go.
You choose fast food that doesn't require a big effort to cook, you are gaining weight, and most of the time you live in denial blaming others for your situation.
We live in a society where a fitness body is almost the most important thing, to keep our bodies in this perfect shape, we should train every day, eat healthy food, no alcohol at all, no fast food, and so on.
We all know that this is very difficult to do because we have to work, we have kids with their needs, we have to fix the house, washing clothes and so much more. Then when it comes to food, the energy is low and it's easier to heat up some junk food from the freezer.
In this book you will learn about the new meal plan, it's about a ketogenic plant-based plan, it's nothing new actually, because as well as the society is changing, so should this meal plan adapt to this new changes.
In this book, you will learn about the plant-based meal plan, how and why to combine it a ketogenic diet, but most of all you will learn new plans that are easy to do.
Moreover, you will learn: - How and why the plant-based diet is the new nutrition
- How to cook delicious recipes with a detailed meal plan
- How your family will gain benefit from it
- How to resist cravings
- What to do when invited for dinner or at the restaurant
In other words, this book will guide you in Plant-Based nutrition, how to start and how to being able to see the changes it will bring to you and your family.
If you feel that you want to learn more, then scroll up to the top of this page and click the "Buy Now" button