Plasma Engineering, Second Edition, applies the unique properties of plasmas (ionized gases) to improve processes and performance over many fields, such as materials processing, spacecraft propulsion and nanofabrication. The book considers this rapidly expanding discipline from a unified standpoint, addressing fundamentals of physics and modeling, as well as new and real-word applications in aerospace, nanotechnology and bioengineering. This updated edition covers the fundamentals of plasma physics at a level suitable for students using application examples and contains the widest variety of applications of any text on the market, spanning the areas of aerospace engineering, nanotechnology and nanobioengineering.
This is highly useful for courses on plasma engineering or plasma physics in departments of Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Physics. It is also useful as an introduction to plasma engineering and its applications for early career researchers and practicing engineers.
About the Author: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The George Washington University
Research Activities: Advanced spacecraft propulsion, plasma medicine, bioengineering, plasma-based nanotechnology.
Teaching: thermodynamics, heat transfer, propulsion, plasma engineering
2009 Outstanding SEAS Young Researcher Award
2008 elected Associate Fellow, AIAA
2006 Research Faculty Recognition Award by University of Michigan
Professional Memberships:
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Associate Fellow
American Physical Society (APS), Member
International Society of Plasma Medicine (ISPM), Founding Member
Member of AIAA Electric Propulsion Technical Committee (EP)
Founder and Director, Micropropulsion and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MpNL)
Steering Committee, Plasma Nanoscience Symposium (iPlasmaNanoSym)
Steering Committee, GW Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBE)
Editorial Board: International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering