1. Immobilisation of Non-activated Unfixed Platelets for Real Time Single-cell Analysis
Alexander P Bye, Zeki Ilkan, Amanda J Unsworth, and Chris I Jones
2. Imaging Platelets and Megakaryocytes by High Resolution Laser Fluorescence Microscopy
Fred G. Pluthero and Walter H. A. Kahr
3. Single Molecule Localisation and Structured Illumination Microscopy of Platelet Proteins
Natalie S. Poulter, Abdullah O. Khan, Chiara Pallini, and Steven G. Thomas
4. Electron Tomography and Correlative Approaches in Platelet Studies
Kasia B. Engberts, Cor Seinen, Willie J.C. Geerts, and Harry F.G. Heijnen
5. Screening and High-throughput Platelets Assays
Alexander P Bye, Amanda J Unsworth, and Jonathan M Gibbins
6. High-throughput Signaling Profiling in Blood Platelets by Multiplexed Phosphoflow Cytometry
Benjamin E.J. Spurgeon and Khalid M. Naseem
7. Precise Quantification of Platelet Proteins and their Phosphorylation States
Francoise Mazet and Michael J. Fry
8. The Study of Platelet Receptors using Artificial Lipid Bilayers
Michael L. Dustin and Alice Y. Pollitt
9. Three Dimensional Culture in a Methylcellulose-based Hydrogel to Study the Impact of Stiffness on Megakaryocyte Differentiation
Alicia Aguilar, Julie Boscher, Fabien Pertuy, Christian Gachet, and Catherine Léon
10. Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Megakaryocytes by Transcription Factor Driven Forward Programming
Thomas P. Moreau, Amanda L. Evans, and Cedric JG. Ghevaert
11. Three-dimensional Tissue Models for Studying Ex Vivo Megakaryocytopoiesis and Platelet Production
Christian A. Di Buduo, Vittorio Abbonante, Lorenzo Tozzi, David L. Kaplan, and Alessandra Balduini
12. Fluorescence Approaches to Image and Quantify the Demarcation Membrane System in Living Megakaryocytes
Sangar Osman, Daniel Dalmay, and Martyn P. Mahaut-Smith
13. High-resolution 3D Imaging of Megakaryocytes using Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy
Anita Eckly, Jean-Yves Rinckel, Fabienne Proamer, and Christian Gachet
14. Optical Clearing of Murine Bones to Study Megakaryocytes in Intact Bone Marrow Using Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Maximilian G. Gorelashvili, Katrin G. Heinze, and David Stegner
15. Mathematical Techniques for Understanding Platelet Regulation and the Development of New Pharmacological Approaches
J.L. Dunster, M.A. Panteleev, J.M. Gibbins, and A.N. Sveshnikova