PLAYWRITING MADE SIMPLE is the best self-guided course in the industry, specifically designed to teach aspiring playwrights and seasoned professionals, the methods necessary to create and produce compelling stage plays. It offers professional playwriting tips, tricks, secrets, strategic shortcuts and creative insights into playwriting for the theatre, that will bring your play from page to stage in 6 weeks or less!
If you follow this playwriting course and thoroughly perform the playwriting exercises, you will be armed with all the tools necessary to become a better writer, insightful artist and shrewd producer, by transforming yourself into the playwright you always wanted to be.
You will learn scene structure, playwriting formulas, levels of dialogue, character development, subtext, audience expectations, rising/falling actions, tension, format, how to develop your own voice and playwriting style, advertise, market, produce, find money, avoid clichés and more!
If you are ready to put your dreams into action, this streamlined playwriting and producing course is for you. Get the stories out your head and into the world. Take a leap so your passion can sprout wings.
The time is now. Open your heart and say, "YES!" Now begin.