You get one chance to sign up for Social Security. Making the wrong choice can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even worse, it could cost your heirs even more over their lifetimes. Even if you have a pension, insurance, or retirement accounts to supplement Social Security, it is still a significant chunk of income in your retirement years that you or your spouse earned- and are entitled to-over your lifetime.
Making your decision about Social Security can be complicated. There is lots of conflicting advice that can confuse you even more.
You need someone to help you navigate the complex and often befuddling world of Social Security. The Prepare for Social Security Workbook helps you make the best decision possible about when to apply for and maximize your benefits. Written by a two-decade expert on Medicare insurance and retirement issues, this book gives you honest answers to pressing questions like:
- When should I file for Social Security?
- Is there a way to estimate my monthly and annual benefit amount?
- How do Medicare and Social Security work together?
- What if I'm divorced, widowed, or disabled?
- Should I keep on working even after I file for benefits?
- What are the steps for filing for Social Security if I want to do it myself?
- Should I enlist the help of an advisor or consultant?
With special features like a glossary of terms, you will easily be able to make sense of the complicated Social Security system and make a great decision.
There's no need to go it alone. The Prepare for Social Security Workbook is your go-to guide for making one of the most important decisions of your life. Grab your copy today!