Discover an innovative way to practice that will help make YOU one of the BEST GOLFERS ON THE COURSE.
Author and golfer George Haughton has helped PGA pros, professional instructors, and hundreds of university golf coaches in conquering these situations. This book has been described as "The next level in sports psychology and practice."
First introduced in 1988, and marketed to a select group of players and coaches, this NEW Second Edition of Pressure Games For Golf is now available to ALL!
Each of the 58 Pressure Games (and variations) is done on the driving range or practice green, and covers ALL clubs in just about any shot-situation you would experience on the course.
And, nearly every game can be played solo or in competition with your friends.
★ ★ With Pressure Games For Golf, you can master:
- How to practice for and deal with pressure situations on the course
- How to eliminate first-tee jitters, and overcome the "yips" and choking on crucial putts
- How to efficiently manage your driving range practice time for maximum improvement
- How to learn and use the USGA rules to your advantage to improve your score
- The strategy, confidence, and mental game of competitive golf
- The complexities of putting, driving, approach shots, and the short game (including sand traps)
- How to masterfully recover from trouble situations
- How to make coaching a golf team more creative, productive, and fun
- How to practice the lessons you've learned from your pro
- How to rehearse what you've read about in the sports psychology books, or seen in the online instructional videos
- And much, much more!
Pressure Games For Golf is not an instruction manual on stance, grip, or swing. ---It's your master guide to deliberate practice-to play your best, most reliable game ever!---
This book is suitable for all skill levels, regardless of professional lessons or instructional videos. Arnold Palmer, commenting on the original 1988 edition, said that "This is the way every golfer should practice."
Discover how to unlock your true golfing potential with this unique and fun approach to practice.
★ Purchase PRESSURE GAMES FOR GOLF --TODAY--and transform your game for the better! ★