How can we forge an educational approach that is compassionate, inclusive and founded on humanity's benevolent qualities?
One answer lies in honoring what is shared in common by all in Nature and including it in a Principle-centered Education Program. The Sol Education Program (with its Community-building process) is such a Program that is founded on the one-word Principle, TruthLovePeace. The Program emphasizes integrity and character since these are practical expressions of The Principle, TruthLovePeace and, therefore, indispensable to any education sector, community center, or work place. Accordingly, the Sol Education Program can be tailor to the needs of (1) different education sectors (i.e., formal, non-formal, and informal education), (2) community centers, and (3) work places.
In the Sol Education Program, Nature means the same as Community of Life. This Community of Life is composed of: humans; water-land-air animals, insects, worms, organisms; plants; life-fostering elements like earth, water, energy (sun), air, space; and the rest of the universe. What is shared in common in the Community of Life is "existence," "isness," "being." We are inseparably held as one by "existence" or "being." In other words, we are not isolated or disconnected individuals who stand apart from each other, or from the organic whole that is Nature. Whatever happens to Nature, as a whole, impacts us all. When we recognize and honor the "being" or "existence" that we share in common, we respect Nature instead of exploiting it.
The common-ground that affirms this Community of Life is the unified and unifying Principle, which is composed of seven aspects that are written as one-word, TruthLovePeaceGoodnessBeautyWisdomHappiness - or briefly as TruthLovePeace. Since TruthLovePeace cannot coexist with falsehood, injustice, exploitation, hatred, cruelty, and turmoil; we find that GoodnessBeautyWisdomHappiness is also absent where TruthLovePeace is