How Does Jeanie Uncover the Missing Pieces of Her Childhood to Finally Get Help?
Jeanie Connell, a free spirit who came of age in 1970s, always wanted to be
helpful, so as a young adult, she made a promise to not remember. Her childhood
memories, in fact, were then repressed. Early in her journey, she takes us through
a deliverance prayer session, necessary after an unusual, troubling, two-decade
addiction and accompanying dangerous actions. She agreed to treatment at two
in-patient psychiatric hospitals.
As Jeanie recounts doing all she knew to piece her life together, you will be struck
by her vulnerability and desperation as she battles depression and other mental
disorders. You will grow to love her and root for her folksy, unique personality,
unveiled in this fast-reading narrative enhanced with original, story-telling songs.
You will be amazed as she is miraculously set free to uncover the missing pieces
of her past and to find transformation and wholeness. Her redemptive, true story
powerfully displays the greatest love that any willing heart can receive-no matter
how long the pieces have been buried or the memories lost.
If you or a loved one suffers from any "mental disorder," this book will give you
hope to see that if lasting deliverance is possible for Jeanie-it is possible for anyone.