In the spirit of 2 Peter 1:13 ("I think it is right to refresh your memory...") Bruce's supremely practical and highly encouraging work comes at a crucial time when some charismatic churches have stopped pursuing God for the gift of prophecy, or are unsure about how to handle it responsibly. In an online era where many believers are disillusioned or deceived regarding wide-ranging prophecies later proved false, uncertain about daily prophetic words, or where the Bible seems to be used publicly more often as a launch pad for prophetic words rather than opening up what the text actually says, the reader will find food for their soul and fresh air in every chapter. Veteran pastor and itinerant Bible teacher Bruce Collins explains and illustrates how believers can learn how to hear the Lord more clearly and serve others in using the gift of prophecy responsibly. He emphasises the primacy of Holy Scripture; that we can all imitate Jesus since He chose to do his supernatural ministry in his humanity through the anointing and gifting of the Holy Spirit and not via His innate Deity; and that as with other gifts of the Spirit, its use in the church will grow or die according to the priority we give it in our gatherings. Includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Author Bio
South African born Bruce trained as a chemical engineer before becoming an Anglican pastor in 1983. Over the last 30 years he has ministered in 35 countries teaching and encouraging church leaders and the saints, especially in the gift of prophecy. He served as the first overseer of New Wine's International Network. Bruce lives in Wales, UK, with his wife.
Bruce Collins, a church leader experienced in renewal, with a proven prophetic gift himself, has written this excellent book, 'Prophesy!' It is one of the clearest and most practical books on the subject I have seen, and I hope as many people as possible will read it.
Paul, the Apostle, wrote to the Corinthian church and urged the Christians there to pursue prophecy as a really useful gift for building up the church. In 1 Corinthians 14 he tells them twice to "be eager to prophesy."
Too many of us have not got a clue what it is, how and when to use it, and how to test it. Bruce takes it all in his stride and spells these things out for us in a most helpful way.
I warmly commend this very practical handbook not only for all would-be prophets, but for any Christian who wants to grow in hearing the Lord more clearly.
I also commend it to church leaders. Use it in your home groups or other settings as a practical course to sow prophecy into your church!
Rev. David Pytches