Consumers have the right to know what is in the food they are eating, and accordingly, a number of global food regulations require that the provenance of the food can be guaranteed from farm to fork. Many different instrumental techniques have been proposed for food authentication. Although traditional methods are still being used, new approaches such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are helping to complement existing methodologies for verifying the claims made about certain food products.
During the last decade, proteomics (the largescale analysis of proteins in a particular biological system at a particular time) has been applied to different research areas within food technology. Since proteins can be used as markers for many properties of a food, even indicating processes to which the food has been subjected, they can provide further evidence of the foods labeling claim. Proteomics for Food Authentication, a volume in the Food Analysis and Properties Series, is a comprehensive and updated overview of the applications, drawbacks, advantages, and challenges of proteomics for food authentication.
- Provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the application of proteomics in food
- Helps food scientists determine the authenticity of several food products
- Provides applied techniques for both laboratory and industrial environments
- Describes workflows, technologies, and tools that are being assessed in proteomics-related studies
Workflows, technologies, and tools that are being assessed in proteomics-related studies are described, followed by a review of the specific applications regarding food authenticity and, now and then, food quality.
The book will provide a comprehensive and critical overview of the application of proteomics approaches to determine the authenticity of several food products updating the performances and current limitations of the applied techniques in both laboratory and industrial environments. As such it is well suited to food scientist, chemical engineers, food engineers, research labs, universities, governments, related food industries.
Also available in the Food Analysis and Properties Series:
Food Aroma Evolution: During Food Processing, Cooking, and Aging, edited by
Matteo Bordiga and Leo M.L. Nollet (ISBN: 9781138338241)
Ambient Mass Spectroscopy Techniques in Food and the Environment, edited by Leo M.L. Nollet and Basil K. Munjanja (ISBN: 9781138505568)
Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis and Applications for Food Quality, edited by N.C. Basantia, Leo M.L. Nollet, and Mohammed Kamruzzaman (ISBN: 9781138630796)
For a complete list of books in this series, please visit our website at:
About the Author:
Leo M. L. Nollet earned an MS (1973) and a PhD (1978) in biology from the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He is an editor and associate editor of numerous books.
He edited for M. Dekker, New York--now CRC Press of Taylor & Francis Publishing
Group--the first, second, and third editions of Food Analysis by HPLC and Handbook
of Food Analysis. The last edition is a two-volume book. Dr Nollet also edited the
Handbook of Water Analysis (first, second, and third editions) and Chromatographic
Analysis of the Environment (third and fourth editions; CRC Press). With F. Toldrá, he
coedited two books published in 2006, 2007, and 2017: Advanced Technologies for Meat
Processing (CRC Press) and Advances in Food Diagnostics (Blackwell Publishing--now
Wiley). With M. Poschl, he coedited the book Radionuclide Concentrations in Foods
and the Environment, also published in 2006 (CRC Press). Dr Nollet has also coedited
with Y. H. Hui and other colleagues on several books: Handbook of Food Product
Manufacturing (Wiley, 2007), Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering
(CRC Press, 2005), Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (first and second editions;
Blackwell Publishing--now Wiley--2006 and 2012), and the Handbook of Fruits and
Vegetable Flavors (Wiley, 2010). In addition, he edited the Handbook of Meat, Poultry,
and Seafood Quality (first and second editions; Blackwell Publishing--now Wiley--2007
and 2012). From 2008 to 2011, he published five volumes on animal product-related books
with F. Toldrá Handbook of Muscle Foods Analysis, Handbook of Processed Meats and
Poultry Analysis, Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis, Handbook of
Dairy Foods Analysis, and Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal By-Products. Also,
in 2011, with F. Toldrá, he coedited two volumes for CRC Press: Safety Analysis of
Foods of Animal Origin and Sensory Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin. In 2012, they
published the Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods. In a
coedition with Hamir Rathore, Handbook of Pesticides: Methods of Pesticides Residues
Analysis was marketed in 2009; Pesticides: Evaluation of Environmental Pollution in
2012; Biopesticides Handbook in 2015; and Green Pesticides Handbook: Essential Oils
for Pest Control in 2017. Other finished book projects include Food Allergens: Analysis,
Instrumentation, and Methods (with A. van Hengel; CRC Press, 2011) and Analysis
of Endocrine Compounds in Food (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). Dr Nollet's recent projects
include Proteomics in Foods with F. Toldrá (Springer, 2013) and Transformation
Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes,
Occurrence, Effects, and Risks with D. Lambropoulou (Wiley, 2014). In the series Food
Analysis & Properties, he edited (with C. Ruiz-Capillas) Flow Injection Analysis of Food
Additives (CRC Press, 2015) and Marine Microorganisms: Extraction and Analysis of
Bioactive Compounds (CRC Press, 2016). With A. S. Franca, he coedited Spectroscopic
Methods in Food Analysis (CRC Press, 2017), and with Horacio Heinzen and Amadeo R.
Fernandez-Alba, he coedited Multiresidue Methods for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues
in Food (CRC Press, 2017). Further volumes in the series Food Analysis & Properties
are Phenolic Compounds in Food: Characterization and Analysis (with Janet Alejandra
Gutierrez-Uribe, 2018), Testing and Analysis of GMO-containing Foods and Feed (with
Salah E. O. Mahgoub, 2018), Fingerprinting Techniques in Food Authentication and
Traceability (with K. S. Siddiqi, 2018), Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis and Applications
for Food Quality (with N. C. Basantia and Mohammed Kamruzzaman, 2018), Ambient
Mass Spectroscopy Techniques in Food and the Environment (with Basil K. Munjanja,
2019), and Food Aroma Evolution: During Food Processing, Cooking, and Aging (with
M. Bordiga, 2019).
Semih Ötleş, a native of Izmir, Turkey, obtained his BSc degree from the Department of
Food Engineering (Ege University) in 1980. During his assistantship at Ege University,
in 1985, he received an MS in food chemistry, and in 1989, after completing his thesis
research on the instrumental analysis and chemistry of vitamins in foods, he received a
PhD in food chemistry from Ege University. In 1991-92, he completed his postdoctoral
training on meat proteins including an OECD Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Research
Center Melle at Gent University, Belgium. Afterward, he joined the Department of
Food Engineering at Ege University as a scientist of Food Chemistry, being promoted
to Associate Professor in 1993 and to Professor in 2000. He was Vice Dean of the
engineering faculty (2003-2009), Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
(2008-2011), and Vice Rector in Ege University (2012-2016). Professor Ötleş's research
activities have focused on instrumental methods of food analysis. Ötleş began a series of
projects on separation and instrumental analysis techniques, first for the analysis of vitamins
in foods, then protein chemistry, carbohydrates, and carotenoids, and most recently
bioactive peptides. Other activities span the fields of GC, GC/MS, LC/MS/MS analysis,
soy chemistry, aromatics, medical and functional foods, and nutraceutical chemistry.
Included are multiresidue analysis of various foods, n-3 fatty acids in fish oils, and medical
and functional foods.