Recognition of concussion as a serious injury, informed by neurological and physiological research, is now commonplace in sport. However, research on the psychology of concussive injury--its psychological implications and outcomes, and psychological interventions for prevention and recovery--has largely been overlooked. This is the first book to explicitly and authoritatively set out the psychological aspects of sport-related concussion from a multidisciplinary and global perspective
The book attempts to offer a global understanding of the injury by presenting an historical overview; exploring the psychological implications of sport-related concussion and the influence of gender and sociocultural context on concussive injury and recovery; setting out practical guidance on working with special populations suffering from concussive injuries; and discussing the theoretical and methodological considerations for research on concussion and future directions for this research.
Written by a group of leading international experts and offering a hitherto underdeveloped perspective on this crucial area of sports injury research, this book is crucial reading for any upper-level student, researcher, sport scientist, coach, or allied health professional working on sport-related concussion. It is also valuable reading for students and researchers interested in the psychosocial processes that impact injury and recovery or general professional practice in sport psychology.
About the Author: Gordon A. Bloom is a professor of sport psychology at McGill University, Canada, who has worked with the world's leading coaches and athletes as both a researcher and sport psychology practitioner for over 20 years. He is currently the director of the McGill Sport Psychology Research Laboratory, which is focused on applied and theoretical research within the areas of sport, physical activity, and health promotion. The primary goal of his program of research is to create positive sport environments so that athletes can reach their ideal states of human performance and well-being. He has co-authored nearly 100 coaching and sport science publications and is regularly invited to serve as a featured speaker at national and international events
Jeffrey G. Caron is an assistant professor in the School of Kinesiology and Physical Activity Sciences at Université de Montréal, Canada. Prior to his appointment, Jeff obtained a Ph.D. in Kinesiology and Physical Education from McGill University in 2016, and he was subsequently a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University (2016-2017) and Yale University (2017-2018). Jeff's research program focuses on better understanding psychosocial aspects of sport-related concussions. In particular, he investigates the dissemination of concussion information to the members of the sport community and strategies to assist athletes during their recovery and return to sport, school, and daily life.