Psychology Around Us, Fourth Canadian Edition offers students a wealth of tools and content in a structured learning environment that is designed to draw students in and hold their interest in the subject. Psychology Around Us is available with WileyPLUS, giving instructors the freedom and flexibility to tailor curated content and easily customize their course with their own material. It provides today's digital students with a wide array of media content -- videos, interactive graphics, animations, adaptive practice -- integrated at the learning objective level to provide students with a clear and engaging path through the material. Psychology Around Us is filled with interesting research and abundant opportunities to apply concepts in a real-life context. Students will become energized by the material as they realize that Psychology is "all around us."
About the Author: NANCY OGDEN is a Professor of Psychology at Mount Royal University where she has taught for the past 25 years. Ogden has twice received the Teaching Excellence Award at Mount Royal University. She works and publishes in the areas of poverty, social and emotional development in children and adolescents and their families, homeless youth, physical literacy in early childhood, and in data management for non-profit agencies serving children, youth, and families. She also does research pertaining to the development of study strategy information in undergraduates.
MICHAEL BOYES has taught at the University of Calgary in the Department of Psychology for 30 years. Apart from Psychology Around Us, he has also published another Canadian introductory psychology textbook. Boyes received the University of Calgary Student Union Teaching Award. He publishes, consults, and runs courses and workshops in the areas of cognitive and social development in families, children, adolescents, and emerging adults, as well as in programs aimed at optimizing student experiences in post-secondary developmental pathways. He assists with the development and telling the stories (evaluation) of programs by and for urban Aboriginal children, youth, and families and programs dealing with domestic violence. He has also served as an expert witness in cases related to matters of adolescent consent.
EVELYN FIELD has published over twenty scientific articles and co-authored several books including Sex Differences: Summarizing More than a Century of Scientific Research, the Canadian textbook Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity and Psychology. She is a contributing author to several other textbooks including Biology on the Cutting Edge: Concepts, Issues and Canadian Research around the Globe and previous editions of Psychology Around Us. She has received awards from the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Alberta Foundation for Medical Research, the Canadian Institute for Health Research, and is a recipient of the Governor General's Gold Academic Medal. Dr. Field has been nominated for and received several awards for teaching excellence including a Distinguished Faculty Award for distinction in teaching, scholarship and service at Mount Royal University. Her research focus is in the areas of neuroscience, evolution, sexuality, and the scholarship of teaching and learning with a focus on integrating creativity and technology into the classroom. She is currently a full Professor in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
RONALD COMER has taught in Princeton University's Department of Psychology for the past 35 years and has served as Director of Clinical Psychology Studies for most of that time. He has received the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching at the university. Comer also is the author of the textbooks Abnormal Psychology, now in its seventh edition, and Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, now in its ninth edition, and is the coauthor of Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology. He is the producer of various educational videos, including The Introduction to Psychology Video Library Series. In addition, he has published journal articles in clinical psychology, personality, social psychology, and family medicine. ELIZABETH GOULD has taught in Princeton University's Department of Psychology for the past 12 years. A leading researcher in the study of adult neurogenesis, she has published numerous journal articles on the production of new neurons in the adult mammalian brain. Gould has been honoured for her breakthrough work with a number of awards, including the 2006 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award and the 2009 Royal Society of the Arts Benjamin Franklin Medal. She serves on the editorial boards of The Journal of Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Biological Psychology, and Cell Stem Cell.