Preface.- Acknowledgements.-Content.-List of Figures.-List of Tables.-Abstract.-Chapter 1: Introduction.- 1.1: Background.-1.2: Traffic Congestion in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi).-1.3: Paratransit in Jabodetabek, Indonesia.-1.4: Traffic Congestion from the Perspective of Consumer Behaviour.-1.5: Research Gaps.-1.6: Research Questions.-1.7: Research Purposes.-1.8: Organization.-References.-Chapter 2: Literature Review.-2.1: Introduction.-2.2: Understanding Behavioural Intention.-2.3: Behavioural Intention as Consumer Decision Making Process.-2.4: Antecedents of Behavioural Intention.-2.4.1: Service Quality.-2.4.2: Perceived Value.-2.4.3: Satisfaction.-2.4.4: Trust.-2.4.5: Image.-2.4.6: Perceived Sacrifice.-References.-Chapter 3: Conceptual Model and Hypotheses.-3.1: Conceptual Model.-3.2: Hypotheses.-3.2.1: The Influence of Sacrifice on Perceived Value.-3.2.2: The Influence of Image on Service Quality, Satisfaction, Perceived Value, Trust, and Behavioural Intention.-3.2.3: The Influence of Service Quality on Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Behavioural Intention.-3.2.4: The Influence of Perceived Value on Satisfaction, Trust, and Behavioural Intention.-3.2.5: The Influence of Satisfaction on Trust and Behavioural Intention.-3.2.6: The Influence of Trust on Behavioral Intention.-References.-Chapter 4: Research.- Methodology.-4.1: Research's Object: Paratransit in Jabodetabek.-4.2: Population and Sample.-4.3: Operationalization and Measure of Variables.-4.4: Survey.-4.5: Data Analysis Method.-4.5.1: Measurement Model Analysis.-4.5.2: Structural Model Analysis.-References.-Chapter 5: Results and Discussions.-5.1: Demographic Profile of Respondents.-5.2: Respondents Assessment on Study Variables.-5.3: The Results of Measurement Model Analysis.-5.3.1: Goodness of Fit Index for Measurement Model.-5.3.2: Construct Validity.-5.3.3: Reliability of Constructs.-5.4: Structural Model Analysis.-5.4.1: Goodness of Fit Index for Structural Model.-5.4.2: Results of Hypotheses Testing.-5.4.3: Contribution of Each Factor on Behavioural Intentions.-5.4.4: Coefficient of Determination (R2).-References.-Chapter 6: Research Implications.-6.1: Theoretical Implications.-6.2: Managerial Implications.-6.3: Policy Implications.-6.3.1: Managing Identity and Lifestyle Communities Jabodetabek.-6.3.2: Improving Paratransit Operator Settings.-6.3.3: Increasing the Perceived Value using Integrated Public Services Policy.-References.-Chapter 7: Conclusion.-7.1: Conclusion.-7.2: Research Limitations.-7.3: Recommendations for Future Research.-References.
About the Author:
Sik Sumaedi is a researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. He graduated from the University of Indonesia (UI) with a major in Industrial Engineering. His research interests include behavioural quality and ISO 9001 based quality management systems. He has published more than 25 academic papers with national and international publications. Some of his work can be found in Quality Assurance in Education, Library Management, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, International Journal of Engineering and Science and the International Journal of Applied and Basic Science.
I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti is a researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Gede majored in Management and graduated from State University of Soedirman (Unsoed). His research interests include behavioural quality and ISO 9001 based quality management systems. He has published more than 10 academic papers with national and international publications. Some of his work can be found in Quality Assurance in Education, Library Management, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, International Journal of Engineering and Science and International Journal of Applied and Basic Science.
Nidya J. Astrini is a research assistant at the Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology. She graduated from Gadjah Mada University, with a major in Management. Her main research interests include Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship. She has been involved in research projects on performance measurement for research institutions and local governments, consumer behaviour, management commitment in the implementation of quality system, service quality at the Public Healthcare Center and corporate entrepreneurship.
Tri Rakhmawati is a researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences in the field of Business and Management. She graduated from State University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS) with a major in Industrial Engineering. She has been involved in several research projects such as the study of paratransit passengers' behaviour, designing performance measurement systems for research institutes, the measurement and mapping study of antecedents variables of behavioural intentions and the service quality review at the Public Health Center (PHC).
Tri Widianti is a research assistant at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences in the field of business and management expertise. She has been involved in several research projects such as the study of quality measurement and designing a performance measurement system for research institutes. Moreover, she has also been involved in studies on paratransit passengers' behaviour, measurement and mapping study of antecedent variables of behavioural intentions and service quality review in Public Health Center (PHC).
Medi Yarmen is a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences in the field of business and management. Medi has been involved in a number of quality and standardization research projects. He led the research on behavioural quality of public transport passenger in 2011 and 2012. He has published his work on the International Journal of Engineering and Science.