About the Book
1. Increased Depth and Breadth of Plasma Protein Quantitation via Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography/Multiple Reaction Monitoring-Mass Spectrometry with Labeled Peptide Standards
Andrew J. Percy, Juncong Yang, Andrew G. Chambers, and Christoph H. Borchers
2. Quantitative Analysis of the Wirt5-Regulated Lysine Succinylation Proteome in Mammalian Cells
Yue Chen
3. Determining the Composition and Stability of Protein Complexes Using an Integrated Label-Free and Stable Isotope Labeling Strategy
Todd M. Greco, Amanda J. Guise, and Ileana M. Cristea
4. Label-Free Quantitation for Clinical Proteomics
Robert Moulder, Young Ah Goo, and David R. Goodlett
5. Proteogenomic Methods to Improve Genome Annotation
Keshava K. Datta, Anil K. Madugundu, and Harsha Gowda
6. Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantitative O-GlcNAcomic Analysis
Junfeng Ma and Gerald W. Hart
7. Isolating and Quantifying Plasma HDL Proteins by Sequential Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation and Targeted Proteomics
Clark M. Henderson, Tomas Vaisar, and Andrew N. Hoofnagle
8. A Method for Label-Free Differential Top-Down Proteomics
Ioanna Ntai, Timothy K. Toby, Richard D. LeDuc, and Neil L. Kelleher
9. Multiplexed Immunoaffinity Enrichment of Peptides with Anti-Peptide Antibodies and Quantification by Stable Isotope Dilution Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry
Eric Kuhn and Steven A. Carr
10. High Throughput Quantitative Proteomics Enabled by Mass Defect-Based 12-Plex DiLeu Isobaric Tags
Dustin C. Frost and Lingjun Li
11. Isotopic N, N-Dimethyl Leucine (iDiLeu) for Absolute Quantification of Peptides Using a Standard Curve Approach
Tyler Greer and Lingjun Li
12. Selecting Optimal Peptides for Targeted Proteomic Experiments in Human Plasma Using In Vitro Synthesized Proteins as Analytical Standards
James G. Bollinger, Andrew B. Stergachis, Richard S. Johnson, Jarrett D. Egertson, and Michael J. MacCoss
13. Using the CPTAC Assay Portal to Identify and Implement Highly Characterized Targeted Proteomics Assays
Jeffrey R Whiteaker, Goran N. Halusa, Andrew N. Hoofnagle, Vagisha Sharma, Brendan MacLean, Ping Yan, John A. Wrobel, Jacob Kennedy, DR Mani, Lisa J. Zimmerman, Matthew R. Meyer, Mehdi Mesri, Susan E. Abbatiello, Emily Boja, Stven A. Carr, Daniel W. Chan, Xian Chen, Jing Chen, Sherri R. Davies, Matthew J. C. Ellis, David Fenyö, Tara Hiltke, Karen A. Ketchum, Chris Kinsinger, Eric Kuhn, Daniel C. Liebler, De Lin, Tao Liu, Michael Loss, Michael J. MacCoss, Wei-Jun Qian, Robert Rivers, Karin D. Rodland, Kelly V. Ruggles, Mitchell G. Scott, Richard D. Smith, Stefani Thomas, R. Reid Townsend, Gordon Whiteley, Chaochao Wu, Hui Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Henry Rodriguez, and Amanda G. Paulovich
14. Large-Scale and Deep Quantitative Proteome Profiling Using Isobaric Lableing Coupled with Two-Dimensional LC-MS/MS
Marina A. Gritsenko, Zhe Xu, Tao Liu, and Richard D. Smith
15. Multiple and Selective Reaction Monitoring Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer: Pre-Clinical Large Cohort Analysis
Qin Fu, Zhaohui Chen, Shenyan Zhang, Sarah Parker, Zongming Fu, Xiaoqian Liu, Josef Coresh, and Jennifer E. Van Eyk
16. Methods for SWATH(TM) Data Independent Acquisition on TripleTOF Mass Spectrometers
Ronald J. Holewinski, Sarah J. Parker, Andrea D. Matlock, Vidya Venkatraman, and Jennifer E. Van Eyk
17. Measureme