About the Book
Plenary Talks: Benjamin Basso, From Hexagons to Feynman Integrals.- Loriano Bonora, M. Cvitan, P. Dominis Prester, S. Giaccari, and T. ˇStemberga, Higher Spins from One-Loop Effective Actions.- Martin Cederwall, Algebraic Structures in Exceptional Geometry.- Sumit R. Das, Animik Ghosh, Antal Jevicki, Kenta Suzuki, Duality in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model.- Evgeny Ivanov, Implications of Hidden N = (0;1) Supersymmetry in 6D;N = (1;1) SYM Theory.- Ivan Kostov, Didina Serban, and Dinh-Long Vu, TBA and Tree Expansion.- Eduardo Guendelman, Emil Nissimov, and Svetlana Pacheva, Wheeler-DeWitt Quantization of Gravity Models of Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter.- Dmitry Chicherin, Paul Heslop, Gregory P. Korchemsky, and Emery Sokatchev, Wilson Loop Form Factors: A New Duality.- Fumihiko Sugino and Pramod Padmanabhan, Many-Body Localization in Large-N Conformal Mechanics.- Generalized Bases with a Resolution of the Identity: A. Vourdas, A Cooperative Game Theory Approach.- Holography and String Theory, Lilia Anguelova, Peter Suranyi and L.C. Rohana Wijewardhana, On Non-slow Roll Inflationary Regimes.- Yuhma Asano, Veselin G. Filev, Samuel Kov´aˇcik, Denjoe O'Connor, Precision Test of Holographic Flavourdynamics.- Alfredo Bonini, Davide Fioravanti, Simone Piscaglia, and Marco Rossi, N = 4 PolygonalWilson Loops: Fermions.- Yi Yang, Hidden Symmetry in String Theory.- H. Dimov, S. Mladenov, R. Rashkov, and T. Vetsov, Information Geometry of Strings on Plane Wave Background.- Gravity and Cosmology, C.I. Lazaroiu, C.S. Shahbazi, The Global Formulation of Generalized Einstein-Scalar-Maxwell Theories, Elena Mirela Babalic and Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu, Two-Field Cosmological Models and the Uniformization Theorem.- Dario Rosa, The Cohomological Structure of Generalized Killing Spinor Equations.- Denitsa Staicova and Michail Stoilov, Cosmological Solutions From Models with Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter and with Inflaton Field.- Kalin Marinov and Plamen Fiziev, Relation between Dilatonic Pressure and Cosmological Pressure for Neutron Stars in Minimal Dilatonic Gravity.- Conformal and Gauge Theories, Satoshi Ohya, ConformalWard-Takahashi Identity at Finite Temperature, Marian Stanishkov, Renormalization in Some 2D b su(2) Coset Models.- Amalia Torre, Ambra Lattanzi and Decio Levi, Time-Dependent Free-Particle Salpeter Equation: Features of the Solutions.- Ovidiu Cristinel Stoica, Leptons, Quarks, and Gauge Symmetries, from a Clifford Algebra.- Foundations of Quantum Theory, Josef Janyˇska, Marco Modugno, Dirk Saller, Infinitesimal Symmetries in Covariant Quantum Mechanics.- Sara Botelho-Andrade, Peter G. Casazza, Desai Cheng, John Haas, and Tin T. Tran, The Quantum Detection Problem: A Survey.- Andr´as L´aszl´o, Possible Alternative Mechanism to Susy: Conservative Extensions of the Poincar´e Group.- Walter Smilga, Noether's Theorem and Its Complement in Multi-Particle Systems.- Enrico Celeghini, Manuel Gadella, and Mariano A. del Olmo, SU(2), Associated Laguerre Polynomials and Rigged Hilbert Spaces.- Nonrelativistic and Classical Theories, Asher Yahalom, Metage Symmetry Group of Non-Barotropic Magnetohydrodynamics and the Conservation of Cross Helicity.- Igor Salom and V. Dmitraˇsinovi´c, Three Quarks Confined by an Area-Dependent Potential in Two Dimensions.- Stam Nicolis, Pascal Thibaudeau, Thomas Nussle, A Group Action Principle for Nambu Dynamics of Spin Degrees of Freedom.- Roberto Auzzi, Newton-Cartan Trace Anomalies and Renormalization Group Flows.- E.I. Jafarov and S.M. Nagiyev, Evolution Operator Method and a Non-Relativistic Particle in the Time-Dependent Homogeneous Field.