Not from here. A simple statement, but rich with variation. A stranger comes to town, a new kid in class, a visitor from another world, or time, of universe - simply put an 'Other Than Us.' But at the same time the scenario can switch and you can be 'The Other' - do you know where you are? Where you are from? Are you an alien among your own people? Withdrawn. Alone. Different. Not from here, even though you are?
A concept with myriad possibilities explored by twenty-seven authors each in their own way. Some find humor, some horror, some pathos, and in some cases even hope. All in all, thirty-four unique trips down The Rabbit Hole.
Stories by: Diane Arrelle, Gary Battershell, Joseph Carrabis, Maryanne Chappell, Gordon Cloud, Jonah Crismore, GD Deckard, Ron Fein, Jonah Jones, Billie Leavenworth, H. Donovan Lyón, Jon Moray, Kevin Novalina, Margaret K. Özemet, D. H. Parish, Nancy Pica Renken, Jodi Rizzotto, Richard L. Rubin, James Rumpel, Lorraine Schein, Thom Schilling, Jay Seate, Duncan Shepard, Helen Speirs, Nicholas Samuel Stember, Doug Stoiber, SJ Townend, J. R. Waterbear, and Tom Wolosz.