The first edition of Radiation Therapy of Benign Diseases - A Clinical Guide by S.E. Order and S.S. Donaldson grew out of a project supported by the National Academy of Sciences. It represented a unique and significant contribution to the utilization of radiation therapy techniques in the management of benign diseases. It remains a valid observation that low-dose radiation therapy can have significant beneficial effects in the management of benign diseases. The second edition has been expanded and identifies broader major applications for radiation therapy techniques in this very controversial area. It significantly augments the first edition by inclusion of the use of radiotherapy for newer benign diseases, including macu- lar degeneration, vascular restenosis, and other conditions. The authors have succeeded in documenting the current diverse roles of radiati- on therapy in the treatment of benign diseases. This volume represents a significant and important contribution to our armamentarium for the treatment of these diseases.
About the Author: David Roberge, MD completed medical school at the University of Montreal (1997) before completing a residency at McGill University (2002) and fellowships at St-Jude Children's Research Hospital (2002) and Stanford University (2003). He has authored over one hundred fifty peer-reviewed articles (H-index 43) and other scholarly works. He has a broad interest and expertise in radiation oncology (including radiotherapy of benign disease) but is best known for his work in the field of brain tumors. He is currently president elect of the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology and a Full Professor of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at the University of Montreal.
Sarah S. Donaldson, MD completed medical school at Harvard (1968) before completing a residency at Stanford University (1972), an internship at the University of Washington (1969) and fellowships at both MD Anderson Cancer Center (1971) and Institut Gustave-Roussy (1973). She has authored several hundred peer-reviewed articles (H-index 79) and other publications. Her knowledge is broad, but she is best known for her work in the field of pediatric radiation oncology. She is the recipient of innumerable honors and awards, including:
ASCO Pediatric Oncology Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology (2007)
ASCO Statesman Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology (2007)
Elizabeth Blackwell Award, American Medical Women's Association (2005)
Fellow, American Society of Clinical Oncology (2012)
Fellow, American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (2006) Gold Medal, American College of Radiology (2007)
Gold medal, American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (2000)
Gold Medal, Radiological Society of North America (2018)
The Dean's Medal, Stanford University School of Medicine (2012)
Women Who Conquer Cancer Mentorship Award, Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO (2016)