About the Book
This book introduces parents and teachers of young children to the research, the benefits, and practical methods to teach children the skills of emotional intelligence
About the Author: B. L. Buddy Fish, EdD Associate Professor, Elementary & Early Childhood Education Jackson State University Website: http: //www.dr-rhythm.com Email: drfish@dr-rhythm.com Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education. M. Ed. In Early Childhood Education Jackson State University, University of Florida Research Areas: Values among cultures Assessment of Emotional Intelligence in Young Children with Regard to Emotional Literacy. Effects of Family Affective Behaviors on Cognitive Development. (Families Uniting through Literacy) Books: Fish, B. (2011). Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence. Jackson, MS: AMF Books. Children's Books: Fish, B., (2009). A Dr. Rhythm Reader. (In Press) Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005). The Owl and the Pussycat. Jackson, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005). A Fish Tale: Herman and the Magic Fish. Jackson, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005) The Itsy Bitsy Spider Blues. Jackson, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005) Dr. Rhythm's Band. Jackson, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005) You're Amazing. Jackson, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2005) The Gunniwolf. Ridgeland, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Fish, B., Sims, E. (2006) Fly Away. Ridgeland, MS: FishyRhythms Publishing, LLC. Discography: Dr. Rhythm's Crew. (2004) "You're Amazing!" A compilation of songs and stories for emotional intelligence. Fish, B. (2007). "Dr. Rhythm II: Multicultural songs and stories." Refereed Publications: Fish, B., Yin, J. Emotional Intelligence: Why and how. EQ Journal. 4,4, 2009. (In Press). Fish, B. (2010). Pie in the Sky. Published in the Jackson Free Press. 81.36 . Jackson, MS: Jackson Free Press, Inc. 13 Fish, B., Parker, J. Full-Speed Behind: How the elementary and secondary education law moves us backwards. Published in The Academician. Winter, 2005. Fish, B. Music with Young Children: Personal Reflections. Published in Mississippi Reading Journal. Fall, 2004. Fish, B. Why Teach Emotional Intelligence. Published in Phi Delta Kappa Newsletter. March, 2004. Fish, B., Channell, L., Brown, W., Ngwudike, B. (2005). Using the multiple intelligences within the emotional intelligence framework. In The Urban Researcher. 6,2. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Urban Research Center. 47-65.