Do you want to feel happy and positive every day? Do you want freedom from negative thoughts? This book will help transform your life from the inside out.Discover your true worth (95 thousand trillion dollars) as a being and say goodbye to depression and anxiety! Life can be everything you want it to be.
If you have food in your fridge, a roof over your head, and clean water to drink, then you're luckier than 75% of the world. And yet, are you happier than 75% of the world?
If you're reading this, then the answer is: probably not.
Our civilization is plagued with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. We are getting richer but feeling more miserable than ever because we are lost in a forest of false, artificial values. Worse yet, these illnesses do not discriminate among rich or poor.
Every day, you're exposed to at least four thousand advertisements telling you that you're not good enough, not accomplished enough, and not happy enough unless you buy whatever it is that's being advertised.
No wonder you lose sight of your real worth and start feeling anxious, depressed, or both. Negativity takes over and you eventually find yourself in a failure state. You feel like nothing is working for you and don't know how to change that feeling of hopelessness and failure into positivity and success. If you are in such a state but are also eager to find a solution, keep reading.
Minhaj Uddin, an emergency department nurse who successfully overcame depression, shares his insights with you, showing you a path towards healing your mind and body with positive thoughts.
Take it from someone who has seen and lived through many struggles, all is not lost. There is a way out of your current situation, and it's much easier to reach than you think.
Install these positive thoughts onto the operating system of your mind. They're like a powerful antivirus that will recognize destructive thought patterns and eliminate them before they undermine your health and well-being.
Here's a sneak peek of what you'll find in this book:
- A whopping thirty chapters filled with wise advice and valuable insights
- The reason why your life priorities are skewed, and how to set them straight
- How to turn excruciating emotional pain into a source of unbreakable strength
- Breathing techniques to help you cope with difficult emotions in just a few minutes
- And much more!
This book is not a random collection of motivational quotes found on the internet. It summarizes the experience and wisdom of someone who has seen people fight for their lives in the emergency room. Someone who nearly lost his own battle with depression. If you've had suicidal thoughts, please accept that it's never the answer. There is a solution, and i want to help you find it.
Happiness and a life free from anxiety and depression is what everyone deserves, what you deserve. What are you waiting for? It's not too late.Order your copy now and transform your life from the inside out!