As consumers wrestle with tightening credit, economic uncertainties, unemployment, debt, the housing crises, global unrest, and prognostications of doom and gloom, doing something different is more important than ever. Repositioning, reengineering, reinventing, renewing, rejuvenating and reenergizing are all rising in priority as they relate to improving businesses, careers, hopes, dreams, personal development and life in general.
Life improvement, battling status quo, the pursuit of happiness, and dealing with change are all or in part, on the mind of many today. All of these are related to improvement, and doing things again or different. "RE: " is the response to the point in time, life and history that our generation is in.
Wishing and hoping are not strategies of action. "RE: " will motivate you to take the necessary action, make the necessary decisions, and take the necessary control of your life, direction and future so that you can live the life you want and live it the way you want to live it.
"RE: " offers tools, tips and techniques to further the knowledge, skills and resources for growth and development and most of all improvement, presented as re-structured knowledge into bite-sized solutions for all readers.
About the Author: Al Lautenslager is best known as the best-selling co-author of "Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days". Al is also an award winning marketing/PR consultant, a much in-demand speaker and entrepreneur. He is the principal of a Market For Profits, an Appleton, Wisconsin based marketing consulting firm and a multiple, "Business of the Year" award winner as a business owner.
In addition to Al's articles appearing on numerous websites, he is a featured marketing and PR expert for the online version of Entrepreneur Magazine and a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach.
Al is the author of "The Ultimate Guide to Direct Marketing" and numerous other marketing and business books. His latest venture is as CEO of, a social media marketing educational and certification company. Al has worked with Donald Trump and The Apprentice and appears regularly on radio and TV including numerous media appearances every year, reviewing Super Bowl TV commercials.
His leadership has extended to his involvement on the board of directors of numerous non-profit organizations.