Let's just get one thing straight up front - you are NOT a bad parent
because your child is struggling to read.
ere are many factors that a ect a child's ability and willingness to learn to read
- some are inherent, others are adopted - but you are not one of them! What
we know however, is that we can positively influence our children's skills and
behaviours when we have the right tools and information. Being able to read is a
basic human right and as adults and carers we must do whatever we can to help
our kids get the support and skills they need to effortlessly enjoy the power of the
written word.
rough more than 20 years of working with families as a speech therapist, Janelle
has seen it all when it comes to kids who don't want to read. She's also seen the
stress and anxiety this situation can place on parents. Whilst school teachers
obviously have a big impact on literacy development, as our child's first teacher us
parents have an important role to play too - even more so if we find our child isn't
keeping up with their peers are school.
is book takes into account all the best theory and practise from around the
world, plus years of hands on experience, and delivers a simple step-by-step
approach to helping your child to read. ere are lots of practical exercises and
relatable stories to make the process fun rather than an onerous chore. Working
through the activities in a positive and fluid way will remove the power struggle
that o en exists between parents and reluctant readers, and will instead create a
beautiful bond and shared love of reading.