About the Book
Reflections on the Realization of Justice in the Era of Contemporary International Tribunals by Antônio Augusto CANÇADO TRINDADE and Party Autonomy in International Family Law by C. GONZÁLEZ BEILFUSS
About the Author: H. E. Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, born 17 September 1947 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
LLB in Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais (First Prize in Civil Law, 1969); LLM in International Law, University of Cambridge (1973); PhD in International Law, University of Cambridge (1977), with a thesis on "Developments in the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in International Law" (awarded the Yorke Prize). Judge of the International Court of Justice (since 2009, re-elected in 2018); Judge (1995-2006) and President (1999-2004) of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Central University of Chile, Santiago, Chile (2003); Doctor Honoris Causa, Catholic University of Peru, Lima (2003); Doctor Honoris Causa, American University of Paraguay, Asunción (2004); Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of La Plata, Argentina (2005); Doctor Honoris Causa, University Panteion of Athens, Greece (2014); Doctor Honoris Causa, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain (2016); Doctor Honoris Causa, University Kiit of Bhubaneswar, India (2017); Honoris Title "Justice et Droit" Conseil de Napflio, Napflio, Greece (2018); Doctor Honoris Causa, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2018); Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina (2019).
Emeritus Professor of International Law at the University of Brasilia, Brazil (2010). Professor (Full Professor, Professeur titulaire) of Public International Law at the University of Brasilia (1978-2009) and of the Diplomatic Academy Rio Branco of Brazil (1979-2009). Between 1982 and 2019, Honorary or Visiting Professor of International Law, in several leading Universities in Latin America, Europe and Asia. International Committee of the Red Cross Lecturer in Havana, Cuba (1995-2002) and in Hong Kong and Macao (China, 1996). From 1981 to 2017, Lecturer of the annual Courses of the Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Juridical Committee, Rio de Janeiro and the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (1988-2019), among others. Lecturer at the European University Institute, Florence (General Course, 2007). Honours and prizes from various universities, international institutes and academic societies in several countries.
Legal Adviser to the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (1985-1990); Delegate of Brazil to several international conferences (the United Nations, OAS and others), including the UN Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations (Deputy Head of the Delegation, Vienna, 1986), and the Second World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993). Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (1994-1996). Legal Adviser to projects of the UN Environment Programme (Nairobi, 1990-1992), the UN Development Programme (1988 and 1990), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (1994, 2004 and 2014), International Committee of the Red Cross (1997-2000), the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (1997); member of the OAS Commission of Jurists for Nicaragua (1993-1994). Holder of several international and national decorations. Member of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law (since 2004); member of the Institut de Droit International (since 1997, current Vice-President); member of the Brazilian Academy of Juridical Letters; Honorary President of the Brazilian Institute of Human Rights.
Cristina González Beilfuss, born in Aschaffenburg, Germany, on 13 February 1964.
PhD in Law (University of Barcelona) (1994), Diploma of the Hague Academy in International Law (1995).
Profesora Titular (Associate Professor) of Private International Law, University of Barcelona (1997). Catedrátic a (Full Professor) of Private International Law, University of Barcelona (since 2008).
Vice-dean for International Relations and Research at the Law Faculty (University of Barcelona) (2008-2011). Director of the Research Institute TransJus (University of Barcelona) (since 2019).
From 2011 until 2017, on secondment Head of External Relations (Spanish Judicial School). Member of the International Relations Commission of the General Council for the Judiciary. During this period, co-ordinator of Training in Co-operation in Civil Matters at the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), contact point in the European Judicial Network (Civil and Commercial) and in IberREd (judicial co-operation network at Latin American level). Co-ordinator of the REJUE - civil. Network of Spanish judges in co-operation in civil matters.
Recording Secretary at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (1994). Spanish delegate at the Hague Conference on Private International Law at various Special Commision meetings and in the Council of General Affairs and Policy in 2018 and 2019, Member of the Expert Groups on Parentage (Surrogacy) and Family Agreements at the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Member of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law, CEFL (since 2003). As Member of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law, Nominee for the 2007 Descartes Prize for Transnational Collaborative Research (European Commission) and Member of the Editorial Board of the European Family Law Series published by Intersentia (Antwerp-Oxford-New York).
Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Private and Public International Professors, AEPDIRI (2003-2007); Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista española de Derecho internacional (2007-2011 and again since 2018); Member of the Catalan Commission for Codification (since 2018). Fellow of the European Law Institute (since September 2011); Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (since 2012); Member of the Board of Trustees at the Academy for European Law, ERA (since 2018); Member of the European Group on Private International Law, GEDIP (since 2018) and of the Academiae Europeae (since 2018).