In Reinvent Your Personal Safety, Matt Tamas takes women through a proactive approach to personal safety, one that isn't about honing technical moves or perfecting technique, but more about showing them how to work with their own body and mind, considering realistic scenarios, and training them to take appropriate action.
Matt's job, as a personal safety coach, is to not only give women the tools to fight back during an assault, but also to help them prevent themselves from being assaulted in the first place. The right action to take is often in advance of a likely violent encounter in order to avoid it altogether. The best way to protect one's self is avoiding the situation in which she is forced to defend herself. Reinvent Your Personal Safety talks about the different ways this is possible, as well as about the best way to handle one's self when violent confrontation simply cannot be avoided.
This is for the high-school girl, for the grandmother, for the young professional, for the working mother - anyone who is willing to overcome their limiting beliefs about what they're capable of and key into what self-protection is really about. In reality, knowledge of the appropriate action to take in any given situation is worth scores more than athleticism.
About the Author: Matt Tamas is a personal safety instructor and the founder of Quantum Personal Safety. He has spent the last eighteen years coaching people in personal safety, from lawyers, athletes and entrepreneurs to CEOs and moms. Already a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Matt completed multiple personal safety certifications under coach Tony Torres, who developed the Functional Edge System of self-protection, while studying the best teaching techniques and training programs around the world with a multitude of instructors. Committed to personal development, Matt further undertook mentorships under executive coach Peter Sage and leadership expert Scott Mann. All his hard work has fed into his successful consulting business.
Bringing together everything he's learned throughout his personal safety career, Matt has designed and the Quantum Academy for women to provide access to effective and practical personal safety instruction from your own home. Through joining the exclusive community of members, you can connect with like-minded people and further your learning through access to articles, training videos, online courses and interviews with top safety experts.
Matt's goal is to inspire women everywhere to take a proactive approach to prevailing against violence, and to engage in the simple steps to develop their own personal safety plan. He currently lives in Ashburnham/Boston Ma.