More and more, the advanced technological systems of today rely on sophisticated control systems designed to assure greater levels of safe operation while optimizing performance. Rather than assuming always perfect conditions, these systems require adaptive approaches capable of coping with inevitable system component faults. Conventional feedback control designs do not offer that capability and can result in unsatisfactory performance or even instability, which is totally unacceptable in complex systems such as aircraft, spacecraft, and nuclear power plants where safety is a paramount concern.
Reliable Control and Filtering of Linear Systems with Adaptive Mechanisms presents recent research results that are advancing the field. It shows how adaptive mechanisms can be successfully introduced into the traditional reliable control/filtering, so that, based on the online estimation of eventual faults, the proposed adaptive reliable controller/filter parameters are updated automatically to compensate for any fault effects.
Presenting a new method for fault-tolerant control (FTC) in the context of existing research, this uniquely cohesive volume, coauthored by two leading researchers --
- Focuses on the issues of reliable control/filtering in the framework of indirect adaptive method and LMI techniques
- Starts from the development and main research methods in FTC to offer a systematic presentation of new methods for adaptive reliable control/filtering of linear systems
- Explains the principles behind adaptive designs for closed-loop systems in normal operation as well as those that account for both actuator and sensor failures
- Presents rigorous mathematical analysis of control methods as well as easy-to-implement algorithms
- Includes practical case studies derived from the aerospace industry including simulation results for the F-16
The authors also extend the design idea from linear systems to linear time-delay systems via both memory and memory-less controllers. Moreover, some more recent results for the corresponding adaptive reliable control against actuator saturation are included. Ultimately, this remarkably practical resource, offers design approaches and guidelines that researchers can readily employ in the design of advanced FTC techniques offering improved reliability, maintainability, and survivability.
About the Author: Guang-Hong Yang received BS and MS degrees in mathematics from the Northeast University of Technology, China in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in control engineering from the Northeastern University (formerly, Northeast University of Technology) in 1994. He was a lecturer/associate professor with the Northeastern University from 1986 to 1995, and joined the Nanyang Technological University in 1996 as a postdoctoral fellow. From 2001 to 2005, he was a research scientist/senior research scientist with the National University of Singapore. Currently, he is a professor of the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China. He is a senior member of IEEE, an associate editor for the International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (IJCAS), and an associate editor of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control Systems Society. His current research interest includes fault-tolerant control, fault detection and isolation, non-fragile control systems design and robust control.
Dan Ye received her B. S. degree in mathematics and applied mathematics in 2001 and the M. S. degree in applied mathematics in 2004, both from Northeast Normal University, China. In 2008, she received a Ph.D. Degree in Control Science and Engineering from Northeastern University, China. Since 2006, she joins the full-time faculty as a Lecturer of the College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeaster University. Her research interest includes fault-tolerant control, robust control, adaptive control and their applications to flight control systems design.