Increases in populations have created an increasing demand for food crops while increases in demand for biofuels have created an increase in demand for fuel crops. What has not increased is the amount of croplands and their productivity. These and many other factors such as decreasing water resources in a changing climate have created a crisis like situation in global food security. Decision makers in these situations need accurate information based on science. Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security provides a comprehensive knowledge base in use of satellite sensor-based maps and statistics that can be used to develop strategies for croplands (irrigated and rainfed) and their water use for food security.
Over 50 Multi-disciplinary Global Experts Give Insight and Provide Practical Approaches
Emphasizing practical mapping technologies based on advanced remote sensing data and methods, this book provides approaches for estimating irrigated and rainfed cropland areas and their water use on a national, continental, or global basis. Written by 50+ leading experts working at the forefront of this critical area, it offers case studies from a variety of continents highlighting the subtle requirements of each. In a very practical way it demonstrates the experience, utility, and models for determining water resources used and resulting yields of irrigated and rainfed croplands. The authors discuss: (a) innovative methods used for mapping croplands, (b) approaches adopted to collect cropland data in different countries by traditional and non-traditional means, (c) accuracies, uncertainties, and errors involved in producing cropland products, (d) surface energy balance models used to assess crop water use, and (e) extensive results and outcomes pertaining to global croplands and their water use.
Develop Strategies for an Enhanced Green Revolution and an Accelerated Blue Revolution
Linking croplands to water use and food security, the book provides a global perspective on this sensitive issue. It gives insight into the extent of cropland usage, their spatial distribution, their cropping intensities, and their water use patterns. The editors collect the experience, methods, models, and results that show the way forward and help in decision-making on water resources and food security. All of this is required for developing strategies for an enhanced green revolution and for an accelerated blue revolution.
About the Author: Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail is a well known global expert in remote sensing and spatial sciences. Currently, works as a Research Geographer-15 with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Dr. Thenkabail has conducted pioneering scientific research work in two major areas: Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation; Global Irrigated and Rainfed Cropland Mapping. His research papers have won three American Society of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) awards: (a) 2015 ERDAS award for best scientific paper (second author), (a) 2008 ASPRS President's award (first author), (b) 1994 Autometric Award (first author). He is the Editor-in- Chief of seminal books (Publisher: Taylor and Francis Inc.): (a) three volume (including this), 82 Chapter, Remote Sensing Handbook (November 2015), (b) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation (2012), and (c) Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security (2009). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Remote Sensing Open Access Journal and is on the editorial board of Remote Sensing of Environment, and ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Prasad has work experience in 25+ Countries including working in key remote sensing research\leadership positions @ the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Yale Center for Earth Observation (YCEO), and the Indian National Remote Sensing Agency. He was selected by NASA and USGS as a member of Landsat Science Team Member (2007-20011), and was a scientific advisory board member of Rapideye (2001).
John G. Lyon has conducted scientific and engineering research and administrative functions throughout his career. He is formerly the senior physical scientist in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Office of the Science Advisor in Washington, DC, where he co-led work on the Group on Earth Observations and the USGEO subcommittee of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, and research on geospatial issues. Lyon was director of ORD's Environmental Sciences Division for approximately eight years. He was educated at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.