About the Book
Organizers; Preface of ECF16 Chairman; Preface of Symposium Chairman; Session: Residual stress analysis by modelling techniques - I: Residual Stress Numerical Simulation of Two Dissimilar Metal Weld Junctions, by Philippe Gilles, Ludovic Nouet, Josette Devaux and Pascal Duranton; Finite Element Simulation of Single-pass and Multi-pass Welding in Pipes: a Sensitivity Analysis, by D.E. Katsareas, C. Ohms, A.G. Youtsos; Residual Stress Prediction in Letterbox-type Repair Welds, by L.K. Keppas, N.K. Anifantis, A.G. Youtsos, D.E. Katsareas; Viscosity Effect on Displacements and Stresses of a Two-Pass Welding Plate, by Walid El Ahmar, Jean-François Jullien; Session: Residual stress analysis by experimental methods: Evaluation of novel post weld heat treatment in ferritic steel repair welds based on neutron diffraction, by C. Ohms, D. Neov, R.C. Wimpory, A.G. Youtsos; High-resolution neutron diffraction for residual strain/stress investigations, by P. Mikula and M. Vrána; Effects of the cryogenic wire brushing on the surfaces integrity and the fatigue life improvements of the AISI 304 Stainless Steel ground components, by Nabil ben Fredj, Abdelkahader Djemaiel, Amir ben Rhouma, Habib Sidhom and Chedly Braham; Surface Integrity in High Speed Machining of Ti - 6 wt. % Al - 4 wt. %V Alloy, by J.D. Puerta Velásquez, B. Bolle, P. Chevrier, A. Tidu; The New HFR-Petten SANS Facility Based on a Cold Neutron Source, by O. Uca, C. Ohms, D. Neov, A.G. Youtsos; Session: Residual stress analysis by modelling techniques II: Sensitivity of Predicted Residual Stresses To Modelling Assumptions, by S K Bate, R Charles, D Everett, D O'Gara, A Warren and S Yellowlees; Welding Effects on Thin Stiffened Panels, by T.T. Chau; Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Ceramic and Polymer Matrix Composites Using Finite Element Method, by K. Babski, T. Boguszewski, A. Boczkowska, M. Lewandowska, W. Swieszkowski, K.J. Kurzydlowski; Phase Transformation and DamageElastoplastic Multiphase Model for Welding Simulation, by T. Wu, M. Coret, A. Combescure; Session: Residual stress effects on fatigue and fracture; Identification of Residual Stress Length Scales in Welds for Fracture Assessment, by P. J. Bouchard, P. J. Withers; Interaction of Residual Stress with Mechanical Loading in a Ferritic Steel, by A. Mirzaee-Sisan, M. C. Smith, C. E. Truman, and D.J. Smith; Effects of Residual Stresses on Crack Growth in Aluminum Alloys, by B. Kumar and J.E. Locke; Effect of Reflection Shot peening and Fine Grain Size on Improvement of Fatigue Strength for Metal Bellows, by H. Okada, A. Tange, K. Ando; Surface Crack Development in Transformation Induced Fatigue of SMA Actuators, by Dimitris C. Lagoudas, Olivier W. Bertacchini, Etienne Patoor; Assessment of Defects under Combined Primary and Residual Stresses, by A.H. Sherry, J Quinta da Fonseca, K Taylor and M.R. Goldthorpe; Author Index.