For many, achieving financial success seems impossible. They are convinced they are destined to be poor and that wealth is only a result of fortunate circumstances such as an inheritance, luck in the stock market, or a high-paying job. But this simply isn't true. For one, even windfalls are worthless without application of effective financial practices. For two, the same such practices can transform even tiny amounts of money into exponentially more.
Rising provides the tools you need to realize economic well-being. Pulling from her own painful experiences of desperate poverty, as well as her work with thousands of clients who faced similar challenges, author Joon Madriga provides a step-by-step approach to help anyone achieve financial security-even if they're struggling with circumstances such as low income, poverty, abuse, disability, or other challenges.
With chapters such as "Overcoming the Barriers," "Processing Financial Grief," "Coping with Corruption," and "Considering the Math," Joon offers concrete, detailed steps to help readers map out and achieve personal success.
Reflecting the practicality of Your Money or Your Life, the pointedness of Mr. Money Mustache, and the empathy of Codependent No More, this remarkable book will both inspire and empower you to rise above your circumstances and fulfill your dreams.
Ms Madriga blogs, and offers a free e-course based on the book, at
About the Author: Marginalized by an undiagnosed disability, Ms Joon Madriga lived on the streets before stumbling into a career as a volunteer advocate. After successfully helping herself and thousands of others, she wrote Rising.