See below for English description.
Ce guide contient six histoires qui comptent parmi les plus populaires de Robert Munsch:
- Ma dent ne veut pas tomber!
- Mmm... des biscuits!
- Bouh!
- Tes chaussettes sentent la mouffette
- Marilou casse-cou
- Vroum!
afin d'aider les jeunes ? am?liorer leurs connaissances des langues, des arts, des sciences et des maths.
Help kids laugh their way to learning with six popular Robert Munsch stories. A welcome addition to any classroom, this latest guide uses six of Robert Munsch's best-selling stories to provide a springboard for developing children's understanding of concepts and skills in various areas of the curriculum, including language arts, social studies, math, science, art, drama and movement. Included are a brief summary of each book:
- Andrew's Loose Tooth
- Boo!
- Mmm, Cookies!
- Smelly Socks
- Up, Up Down
- Zoom!
Questions for discussion before, during and after each reading; fresh cross-curricular activities; and ready-to-use reproducibles.
Original title: Teaching with Robert Munsch Books Volume 2
About the Author: Amy von Heyking est professeure au D?partement d'?ducation ?l?mentaire de l'Universit? de l'Alberta, ? Edmonton, et elle ?crit des ouvrages p?dagogiques. Janet McConaghy est co-auteure d'ouvrages p?dagogiques, avec Amy von Heyking. Elle est enseignante en deuxi?me ann?e dans une ?cole primaire publique d'Edmonton et utilise souvent les livres de Robert Munsch dans sa classe.
Amy von Heyking is the author of Teaching with Dear Canada, and is a professor in the Department of Elementary Education at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.
Janet McConaghy co-authored Social Studies Through Literature K-3 with Amy von Heyking. She teaches Grade 2 in an Edmonton public school, and has used Munsch books in the classroom on many occasions.