Management Buyouts (MBOs) first came to prominence in the US during the early 1980s, and have subsequently become a global phenomenon and a highly significant transaction within the corporate restructuring landscape
Although much recent attention has focused on private equity (PE) backed buyouts, these are only a subset of the total MBO market. The Routledge Companion to Management Buyouts takes a much broader definition, reviewing the current state of research and theory and where further developments are likely to occur and incorporating PE and non-PE backed buyouts, as well as variations such as management buy-ins and management-employee buyouts. It goes beyond the purely financial perspective, exploring the many different aspects of management buyouts and incorporating related disciplines including strategy, organizational change, and HRM providing the first truly comprehensive authoritative resource on the topic.
Expertly edited, and drawing on international scholarship, this unique volume will be an invaluable sourcebook on MBOs for researchers and advanced students as well as those interested in the broader areas of corporate restructuring and ownership change.
About the Author: Mike Wright is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Center for Management Buy-out Research at Imperial College Business School, UK, a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Strategic Management Society. He has published over 50 books and 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Kevin Amess is Associate Professor of Industrial Economics in the Business School at the University of Nottingham, UK. He is currently Co-Editor of the International Journal of the Economics of Business. He has advised government and policy officials on the LBOs including the UK Treasury, Financial Services Authority, the US Government Accountability Office and the OECD.
Nick Bacon is Professor of Human Resource Management at Cass Business School, UK. His research explores the impact of HRM practices in a wide variety of settings including small and medium-sized enterprises and leveraged buyouts. He is former editor of the Industrial Relations Journal.
Donald Siegel is Professor of Public Policy and Management and Director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University, USA. He is an editor of the Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Technology Transfer and a former Dean of the School of Business at the University at Albany, SUNY. In 2016, he was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management.