The Routledge Handbook of Comparative World Rhetorics offers a broad and comprehensive understanding of comparative or world rhetoric, from ancient times to the modern day. Bringing together an international team of established and emergent scholars, this Handbook looks beyond Greco-Roman traditions in the study of rhetoric to provide an international, cross-cultural study of communication practices around the globe.
With dedicated sections covering theory and practice, history, pedagogy, hybrids and the modern context, this extensive collection will provide the reader with a solid understanding of:
- how comparative rhetoric evolved
- how it re-defines and expands the field of rhetorical studies
- what it contributes to our understanding of human communication
- its implications for the advancement of related fields, such as composition, technology, language studies, and literacy.
In a world where understanding how people communicate, argue, and persuade is as important as understanding their languages, The Routledge Handbook of Comparative World Rhetorics is an essential resource for scholars and students of communication, composition, rhetoric, cultural studies, cultural rhetoric, cross-cultural studies, transnational studies, translingual studies, and languages.
About the Author: Professor of English at Kent State University Stark, Dr. Keith Lloyd's research interests include promoting collaborative, innovative, and non-dualistic modes of political and cross-cultural communication. His work is published in Rhetoric Review, Rhetorica, Advances in the History of Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and the Handbook of Logical Thought in India.