The Routledge REITs Research Handbook presents a cutting-edge examination of the research into this key global investment vehicle. Edited by internationally respected academic and REIT expert Professor David Parker, the book will set the research agenda for years to come. The handbook is divided into two parts, the first of which provides the global context and a thematic review covering: asset allocation, performance, trading, sustainability, Islamic REITs, emerging sectors and behavioural finance. Part II presents a regional review of the issues with high level case studies from a diverse range of countries including the US, UK, Brazil, India, Australia, China, Singapore, Israel and Russia, to name just a few.
This handbook redefines existing areas within the context of international REITs research, highlights emerging areas and future trends and provides postgraduates, professionals and researchers with ideas and encouragement for future research. It is essential reading for all those interested in real estate, international investment, global finance and asset management.
About the Author: David Parker is an internationally recognized property industry expert on real estate investment trusts (REITs) and a highly regarded property academic, being a director and adviser to property investment groups including real estate investment trusts, unlisted funds and private property businesses (
He is currently the inaugural Professor of Property at the University of South Australia, a Visiting Professor at the University of Reading, UK, and at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia, a Visiting Fellow at the University of Ulster, UK, an Acting Valuation Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, and a Sessional Member of the SA Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Author of the authoritative Global Real Estate Investment Trusts: People, Process and Management and International Valuation Standards: A Guide to the Valuation of Real Property Assets, he may be contacted at