"I don't want to be revered! I want to be understood." --Rudolf Steiner, 1915
Whoever follows Rudolf Steiner's life will gain the impression that, from a certain point on, his constant attempt was to awake, in numerous ways, an active, working understanding for Anthroposophy. He used creative imagination to treat particular themes and tasks, ever anew, and in many forms. If we observe the variations of those presentations, we see in them the intentions that guided his whole life. A biography that shows Steiner's intentions and efforts in the context of the times and his life circumstances will not only relate what happened, but also why. His work does not, as in many modern biographies, disappear behind the life story.
This is one of the most comprehensive biographies of Rudolf Steiner, tracing his life and development through a profound look at his life and work, which encompassed numerous areas, including his Goethean research, philosophy, esoteric work, pedagogy, medicine, sociology, agriculture, architecture, painting, movement arts, and poetry. This biography, which tracks his divergent activities, shows how Rudolf Steiner was most concerned with bringing a new approach to knowledge through Spiritual Science and to revitalizing the most important areas of human culture and society.
Includes 119 photographic reproductions.
1. The Stranger
2. Learning
3. Student in Vienna
4. The Lonely Wanderer
5. Goethe: A Source of Hope
6. In Need of Special Care
7. Theory of Knowledge
8. Social Life in Vienna
9. The Editor: An Excursion into Politics
10. Aesthetics
11. First Journeys
12. Friedrich Eckstein, Theosophy, and Rosa Mayreder
13. Spirit and Nature: The Foundation of a Spiritual Philosophy
14. Weimar: At the Goethe-Schiller Archive
15. Lonely in the Company of Many Friends
-- Images, Part One
16. The Philosophy of Freedom
17. For and against Nietzsche
18. A New World Opens Up
19. The Maelstrom of Berlin
20. Time of Trial
21. Three Attempts at the Turn of the Century
22. The Way into the Theosophical Society
23. The Theosophical Society
24. Establishing the German Section of the Theosophical Society
25. Attempts to Fructify the Art of Living
26. The Three Paths
27. The Munich Congress: A Conference in a Rosicrucian Temple
28. Breadth and Depth
29. The Illumination of the Christian Mysteries
30. The Mystery Plays
31. Separation from the Theosophical Society
32. Surrounded by Artists: 1907-1918
33. Building
-- Images, Part Two
34. Wartime in Dornach
35. The Destiny of Central Europe
36. The Idea of the Threefold Human Organism
37. The Threefold Social Movement during the War
38. Preparations for the Postwar Period
39. Struggle for the Threefold Commonwealth
40. The Independent Waldorf School
41. Commercial Ventures
42. The Need to Communicate Impulses for Cultural Renewal
43. A Broader Understanding of Healing
44. Establishing The Christian Community
45. Possibilities--Realities
46. The Goetheanum Fire
47. Stuttgart 1923
48. Spring 1923: The Struggle to Rebuild
49. Summer 1923: England
-- Images, Part Three
50. Autumn 1923: The Way to Decision
51. The Christmas Conference of 1923
52. Foundations
53. Spring 1924
54. The Final Intensification: Summer 1924
55. Sickbed and Death
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner