1. Luminex(R) Multiplex Bead Suspension Arrays for the Detection and Serotyping of Salmonella spp.
Sherry A. Dunbar, Vivette Brown Ritchie, Michaela R. Hoffmeyer, Gunjot S. Rana, and Hongwei Zhang
2. Quantitative Proteomic Identification of Host Factors Involved in the Salmonella typhimurium Infection Cycle
Dora Kaloyanova, Mijke Vogels, Bas W.M. van Balkom, and J. Bernd Helms
3. Determination of Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella spp.
Belgode N. Harish and Godfred A. Menezes
4. Red-mediated Recombineering of Salmonella enterica GenomesFrederik Czarniak and Michael Hensel
5. A Method to Introduce an Internal Tag Sequence into a Salmonella Chromosomal Gene
Weidong Zhao and Stéphane Méresse
6. Generation and use of Site-directed Chromosomal cyaA' Translational Fusions in Salmonella enterica
Francisco Ramos-Morales, Elena Cardenal-Muñoz, Mar Cordero-Alba, and Fernando Baisón-Olmo
7. Detection of Antimicrobial (Poly)Peptides with Acid Urea Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis followed by Western Immunoblot
Edith Porter, Erika V. Valore, Rabin Anouseyan, and Nita H. Salzman
8. Detecting non-typhoid Salmonella in Humans by Enzyme-linked
Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs): Practical and Epidemiological Aspects
Katrin G Kuhn, Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, Karen A Krogfel, and Kåre Mølbak
9. Study of the Stn Protein in Salmonella; A Regulator of Membrane Composition and Integrity
Masayuki Nakano, Eiki Yamasaki, Joel Moss, Toshiya Hirayama, and Hisao Kurazono
10. Development of a Bacterial Nanoparticle Vaccine
Carlos Gamazo, Javier Ochoa-Repáraz, Ibai Tamayo, Ana Camacho, and Juan M. Irache
11. Direct Attachment of Nanoparticle Cargo to Salmonella typhimurium Membranes Designed for Combination Bacteriotherapy Against Tumors
Robert Kazmierczak, Elizabeth Choe, Jared Sinclair, and Abraham Eisenstark
12. Applications of Microscopy in Salmonella Research
Layla M. Malt, Charlotte A. Perrett, Suzanne Humphrey, and Mark A. Jepson
13. Live Cell Imaging of Intracellular Salmonella entericaAlexander Kehl and Michael Hensel14. In vitro Modeling of Gallbladder-associated Salmonella spp. Colonization
Geoffrey Gonzalez-Escobedo and J. S. Gunn
15. Salmonella Phages and Prophages - Genomics, Taxonomy, and Applied Aspects
Andrea I. Moreno Switt, Alexander Sulakvelidze, Martin Wiedmann, Andrew M. Kropinski, David S. Wishart, Cornelis Poppe, and Yongjie Liang