Some of the questions you will discover answers to in the pages of this book are...
Do you know what happens to you when you die?
Do you really understand how God feels about you?
Do you control your own destiny?
Who are Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
Can you have real peace in this world no matter what happens?
Does God really care about us and our lives?
Are heaven and hell real places?
Where will you spend eternity?
These are just a few of the important things you need to know and will have definite biblical answers to after reading this book.
Salvation Made Easy is a masterfully simplistic look at just how easy it is to save your soul and go to heaven when you die. Mr. Edge has taken several difficult biblical doctrines and condensed them into an informative, concise, and straight-to-the-point book easy enough for anyone to understand. This book breaks through all the misconceptions people have about God and gives the reader a book that will forever change their lives and eternal destinies for the better.
Salvation Made Easy is not an autobiography of Mr. Edge's life like so many books with important sounding titles are these days. Mr. Edge kept the book focused on the task at hand in explaining to the reader just how vitally important each person's relationship with God really is. The author does sprinkle in bits of humor along the way, which puts the reader at ease and draws them deeper into the subject matter at hand. The book's tone is not condemning in any way but does convey the importance of our decision to follow the Son of God.
Salvation Made Easy is a book for EVERYONE!
Romans 10:13, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."