The demand for cloud computing increases day by day and this also increases the need
for Security for the same. Several researchers focused on the objective to provide
security to the cloud platform but till now no one ensures it. So, similar to the same
focus firstly the study of different methods like Encryption, authentication, and many
others discussed in this work and then based on the recent analysis some of the methods
were selected in the work to propose a novel approach. This work is done in three
different phases which involved (a) Cryptography based Frameworks, (b) Proposed
Fragmentation Framework, (c) Proposed Biometric-based Framework. To analyse the
performance of all these phases, five different datasets are prepared with the
combination of different types of data files like Image, Audio, and Video. In this, the
data size varies from 100 to 300 files and the maximum size of data is 289810KB. The
performance is analysed on every phase based on different parameters depending on the
phase. In phase 1, three cloud environments are generated where different security
algorithms are added and performance is analysed based on Time, Throughput, and size
of Data after Encryption. These three environments use Diffie-Hellman, proxy reencryption,
HASBE and Blowfish, RSA with ECC algorithms, and results are
calculated for all these algorithms. After analysis, it is clear that the performance of
cloud environment-3 in phase 1 is better in terms of Time, Throughput, and size of
Data. In this environment, Keyword Encryption and Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm
are used which works based on RSA with ECC Algorithm. Though this scheme
provides end to end security in a cloud environment yet, it can be forged. So, to enhance
the framework different researchers followed fragmentation-based techniques in which
data is first divided into small portions called fragments and then after encryption, it
will be uploaded on different cloud servers to protect data against various forgeries.
Different researchers also performed well on the same but none of them focus on the
data loss due to fragmentation. As data is of different types so, the same fragmentation
will be one cause of the data loss. So, to cope up with this issue a new FragSecure
framework is proposed in the second phase of this work. In this framework, the type of
data uploaded on the cloud server plays its major role and use for fragmentation