The concept of risk in global life has not been fully understood and explored and this book attempts to examine what it entails in the fast changing, interconnected and complex world. As a foundational component of safety systems, risk has been considered relatively simple, predictable, and therefore, assessable and manageable phenomenon. Social and political sciences prefer the terminology of security to capture the dimension of risk which is more complex and more consequential to survival. Risk has become more human-made and intentional today, and this book explores innovative approaches and engages in theoretical and policy debates to capture its political and security dimensions.
About the Author: Radomir Compel is Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the Global School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Nagasaki University. He authored Nagai Shusen [Long End of WWII] (2020), edited and co-authored books including The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity (2019), Guns and Roses: Comparative Civil-Military Relations in the Changing Security Environment (2019), and published articles in Japanese and English on Okinawa, Japan, East Asia, Middle East, Europe, and the sea. He obtained PhD from Yokohama National University, and taught at Hosei University, Yokohama National University, Nihon University and other institutions in Japan, and University of Oulu in Finland.
Rosalie Arcala Hall is Full Professor of Political Science and Scientist I at the College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. She completed her PhD in International and Public Affairs (2002) at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA on a Fulbright-Hayes scholarship. She was co-editor and contributor to Water Policy in the Philippines: Issues, Initiatives and Prospect (2018), and published articles in the Philippine Political Science Journal, Asian Security, Korean Journal of Defense Analysis and Asia Pacific Social Science Review on civil-military relations, rebel and female integration in the army, and local security arrangements in conflict zones. She held visiting researcher appointments at Meiji University (Japan), University of Innsbruck (Austria), Loyola University (Chicago, USA), and Australian National University. Currently, she is a member of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education Technical Committee on Political Science, and President of the Philippine Political Science Association.