It doesn't matter which side of the self-esteem spectrum you fall - poor, exaggerated, or even healthy - there is always room for improvement. The ideas for improving your overall outlook on life which I have shared in this book are meant to make you approach your life as a work in progress. There is no finish line where you stop your personal growth. Therefore, your goal is not to reach a final destination where you no longer need to work on improving yourself.
Instead, your goal should be to constantly and continuously find better ways to connect with your true self and the people around you.
Your wellbeing is intricately linked to your perception of the self. This perception is affected by your external environment (the people you interact with on a daily basis) as well as your internal environment (your dominant thoughts and feelings about who you are.) This is why it is a good idea to surround yourself with positive people and ideas that can sustain your inner positivity.
If your external environment is constantly bombarded by negativity, there is a great chance for it to dampen whatever positivity that exists in your inner environment.
Understand that a quantum leap with regards to sudden radical changes to your lifestyle is hardly sustainable. This is why many people have the feeling of being trapped in a vicious cycle.
As you begin to implement the several robust steps outlined in this book, I strongly suggest that you start with baby steps. Trying to force several mental, emotional, and psychological changes at the same time can lead to frustration - it is usually not feasible.- This guide will focus on the following:
-Pillars of self-esteem
-Warning signs you may be suffering from an inferiority complex
-Building your self-esteem
-Stages of self-esteem in different phases of life
-Perfection is driving you crazy
-Love yourself
-Motivate yourself to see beyond anxiety and stress
-Be deliberate
-Live from your core... AND MORE!!!
There is hardly a beeline to improving self-esteem. You will make mistakes and occasionally fall back into old habits. Be gentle on yourself - don't beat yourself up because that can lead to depression.
Making mistakes along your path to improvement is a sure sign that you are attempting something.
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