A practice-based perspective on working with people who self-neglect. This book explores the issues and situations which can arise and helps practitioners to adopt a strengths-based "Learning from Life" approach in the translation of MSP principles to practical implementation.
Self-neglect: Learning from Life helps frontline practitioners ensure that Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is an everyday reality. Using two case scenarios, the authors examine issues and practice-based situations which arise in the daily application of MSP to casework with adults. The scenarios demonstrate lifespan and experience issues in the adoption of MSP as person-centred and person-led practice with people who self-neglect. The statutory principles of Empowerment, Prevention, Proportionality, Protection, Partnership, and Accountability are also translated into practical language and their meaning and implications are unpacked.
This journey from principles to practical implementation uses a suite of clear and concise practice focused resources which adopt a person-centred, relationship-based approach to all conversations, interventions and aspects of practice. The resources include:
- a range from SnapShots on...- a selection of relevant topic areas in work with adults at risk through their safeguarding journey
- practice-based tools for practitioners to use in the quality monitoring of their own casework
- Taking it Further" referencing and suggested sources of more information.
This invaluable book fills a gap that currently exists in the practical application of the statutory MSP principles as part of a "life-span approach" to work with people who self-neglect. It minimises the risks associated with "siloed" approaches to ensure the person is held at the centre of all interventions.
About the Author: Shona Britten began her career in social work with a charity supporting the carers of young adults with learning disabilities. As a qualified Social Worker Shona has worked with adults at risk, in both statutory and independent sector settings, holding a range of posts including multi-disciplinary team and area operational management, service planning and development in the areas of social inclusion and community development, and as a regional director. Shona is registered with Social Work England and is currently a Professional Lead for Social Work within the NHS.
Karen Whitby is a qualified and Social Work England registered Social Worker; she has worked within the arena of health and social care for over 25 years. Karen's career in social work has involved managing Learning Disability, Carers, and Safeguarding Adults services. She currently works as a Lead Professional for Safeguarding Adults within the NHS.