In the mid 3ʳᵈ century BC, King Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt ordered a translation of the ancient Israelite scriptures for the Library of Alexandria. This translation later became known as the Septuagint, based on the description of the translation by seventy translators in the Letter of Aristeas. The History section of the Septuagint contained the books that told the history of the Israelite and Judahites from Joshua's conquest of Canaan circa 1500 BC, until the establishment of the Hasmonean dynasty in Judea, in 140 BC.
Septuagint: History, Volume 1, is composed of modern, non-theological translations of the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and the four books of the Kingdoms, which spanned 1504 BC to the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. Most of the era is not well documented in the historic records of Canaan, however, some limited correlations are found in the Amarna Letters, which are cuneiform correspondences between the Egyptian government and various officials in Canaan and Mesopotamia. By the final book, 4th Kingdoms, the historic records of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Babylonians confirm the general history recorded in the book, although the theological interpretation is unique to the Judahites of the era.
The Septuagint's translation differs significantly from the later Masoretic version of the books, as it uses a different dating for the events, such as Joshua's invasion of Canaan just before 1500 BC, as opposed to the 1200s or 1300s BC, depending on interpretations of the Masoretic texts and the Talmud. The Septuagint's dating correlates significantly with the dating of major Egyptian events according to Egyptologists. It is unclear if the Septuagint's dating was altered by the translators in Alexandria to correlate with Egyptian history, however, that seems unlikely as the Greek historians 2200 years ago do not seem to have had any records of the era of Akhenaten, when Aten became the dominant god of Egypt, yet, the prophetess Deborah sang a song to Aten during the same era, in the book of Judges.
As the Septuagint was based on the once common Aramaic version of the books, and not the priestly Judahite version, it is likely that the dating in the Septuagint is a more accurate reflection of the histories, as both Judahite version of the books appear to have been edited by astrologers at some point, which is generally acknowledged by historians to have ruined any historical value to the texts. The consensus is that the astrological edits must have happened fairly late, likely in the Hasmonean Dynasty, which also produced the first official 'Hebrew' translation of the older Judahite version of the texts. One of the complaints the Romans had regarding the Judeans of the Hasmonean dynasty is that they were astrology to confuse the weak minded, which supports the concept that they made the astrological edits when they created the 'Hebrew' language translations. This altered timeline continued into the Talmud, and is known as "Rabbinical History," however, it not taken seriously by historians.