This substantially revised and important second edition comes at a pivotal time, with both a strong agenda of localism in planning and with public health professionals now realising the vital importance of shaping urban environments in order to reduce the burden of disease and support better health outcomes.
This guide ensures you:
- understand the underlying principles for planning healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods and towns
- plan the collaborative and inclusive processes needed for multi-sectoral cooperation
- develop know-how and skills in matching local need with urban form
- discover new ways to integrate development with natural systems
- design places with character and recognise good urban form
- guide communities, and advise developers, in the creation of successful and sustainable places for living.
Containing many new case studies and a wealth of new research, this new edition has benefited from previous user feedback. Shaping Neighbourhoods is the indispensable guide for bridging the gulf between theory and practice, between planning authorities, investors and communities, and between different professional perspectives.
Whether you are a student faced with a local planning project; a planner, urban designer or developer involved in new development; a health authority concerned with promoting physical activity; or a community group wanting to improve your neighbourhood; this book is for you.
About the Author:
Hugh Barton is Professor of Planning, Health and Sustainability and Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments at the University of the West of England, Bristol. He has taught planning, transport, urban design and environmental sustainability for 30 years to undergraduate, postgraduate, and mid-career professionals. His books include Local Environmental Auditing, Sustainable Communities and Healthy Urban Planning.
Marcus Grant is Deputy Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments and Programme Leader for the Masters in Spatial Planning at UWE. As a chartered landscape architect, he has research and consultancy experience in the field of sustainability and participation going back some fifteen years. Following ten years in environmental consultancy, he joined the WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Policy in 1998 to work on a project that demonstrates the synergy between sustainable development, health and design.
Richard Guise is a chartered Architect and Town Planner, and Director of his urban design consultancy Context 4D. He was formerly Course Leader for the MA Urban Design programme at the University of the West of England, where he is currently Visiting Research Fellow.