This 5-star rated inspirational self-help guide is a spiritually, emotionally and hilariously uplifting book for the woman you are and the woman you will become. -E.L.
Is the mean girl in your head ruining your life?
Does she say things like, "who do you think you are?" and "you don't deserve it," and "you're too big for your britches"? Or something worse?
These magical curse words stop us in our tracks. You can't manifest many miracles from that perspective, can you? Or achieve many goals or dreams either.
You can blame the inner mean girl for your stuckness and procrastination. She is the reason you feel negative about the future and worried about not being good enough.
What's your mean girl's mantra?
Maybe it's about self-doubt and fear. Maybe she even calls you names. You'd never talk to someone else that way, right? But you believe the stories your worst critic tells you.
The Law of Attraction
If you're into the Law of Attraction but it's not working for you, think of all your positive affirmations and intentions. Honestly are they any match for the critic in your head?
If your intentions are getting you nowhere, and your manifestation mechanism is stuck, first you have to see the stories for what they are: BS. Then your life will change.
It's all story.
This book is about the words we use to create our reality. And you are one word away from a shiny new tale about your abundance, over-flowing joy and freedom. Who knows? You might be one single page away from the life you long for.
"You can tell a different story - starting right now - and watch how it changes not only the present, but the past, and future too."
Shift your BS stories and attract what you want and deserve. You will transform your life, from inside out. Of course there's more at Come and continue your transformation!