Smart technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, play a vital role in modeling, analysis, performance prediction, effective control, and utilization of smart energy systems. This book presents novel concepts in the development of smart cities and smart grids as well as discusses the technologies involved in producing efficient and economically feasible energy technologies around the world.
It comprehensively covers important topics, including optimization methods for smart grids, power converters, smart meters, load frequency control, automatic generation control, and power electronics for smart grids.
This book focuses mainly on three areas of electrical engineering: control systems, power electronics, and renewable resources, including artificial intelligence for the development of smart electrical grids.
Key Features
- Clarifies how the smart grid plays an important role in modern smart technologies
- Introduces the basic concepts of modernization of smart grid with the assumption of basic knowledge of mathematics and power systems
- Describes the structure of technologies based on Internet of Things (IoT), which acts like a bridge to cover the gap between the physical and virtual worlds required for the realization of the smart grid
- Includes practical examples of the smart grid and energy saving
- Illustrates the integration of renewable energy sources with worked examples
- Enables readers to engage with the immediate development of power systems by using smart approaches for future smart grids
About the Author: Krishan Arora is presently working as an associate professor and head, school of electronics and electrical engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. He has published more than 40 research papers in refereed IEEE, Springer, and IOP Science Journals and Conferences. His area of expertise includes Electrical Machines, Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Load Frequency Control, Automatic Generation Control, and the Modernization of Smart Grids. He has taught courses such as Power Electronics, Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Electric Drives, Induction and Synchronous Machines, and Digital Electronics to undergraduate and graduate-level students.
Suman Lata Tripathi is currently working as a professor at, school of electronics and electrical engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. She has more than seventeen years of experience in academics and has published 55 research papers in refereed IEEE, Springer, and IOP science journals and conferences. She has also published 9 Indian patents and 1 copyright. She has edited more than 12 books/1 Book Series in different areas of Electronics and electrical engineering. She is associated as a senior member IEEE, Fellow IETE, and Life member ISC. Her area of expertise includes microelectronics device modeling and characterization, low power VLSI circuit design, VLSI design of testing, and advance FET design for IoT, Embedded System Design and biomedical applications, etc.
Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban is presently working as faculty, CTIF Global Capsule (CGC) Laboratory, Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark. He has authored over 300 scientific papers and was the recipient of the Best Paper cum Most Excellence Research Paper Award from IET-SEISCON'13, IET-CEAT'16, IEEE-EECSI'19, IEEE-CENCON'19. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, India, the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, U.K. He is an Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board for refereed journals, in particular the IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, IEEE ACCESS, IET Power Electronics, IET Electronics Letters, and Wiley-International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Subject Editorial Board Member--Energy Sources--Energies Journal, MDPI, and the Subject Editor for the IET Renewable Power Generation, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, and FACTS journal (Canada).