About the Book
Preface; Foreword; Introduction: Fumio Tatsuoka; Photos; Special Keynote Paper by Tatsuoka, F.: Inelastic Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterial;Keynote Papers by Lo Presti, D., Pallara, 0., and Mensi, E.: Characterization of Soil Deposits for Seismic Response Analysis; Di Benedetto, H.: Small Strain Behaviour and Viscous Effects on Sands and Sand-Clay Mixtures; Shibuya, S. and Kawaguchi, T.: Advanced Laboratory Stress-Strain and Strength Testing of Geomaterials in Geotechnical Engineering Practice; Behavior of Granular Materials: Pallara, 0., Froio, F., Rinolfi, A., and Lo Presti, D.: Assessment of Strength and Deformation of Coarse Grained Soils by Means of Penetration Tests and Laboratory Tests on Undisturbed Samples; Umetsu, K.: Strength Properties of Sand by Tilting Test, Box Shear Test and Plane Strain Compression Test; Matsushima, T., Katagiri, J., Uesugi, K., Nakano, T., and Tsuchiyama, A.: Micro X-ray CT at SPring-8 for Granular Mechanics; Saomoto, H., Matsushima, T., and Yamada, Y.: Visualization ofParticle-Fluid System by Laser-Aided Tomography; Verdugo, R. and de la Hoz, K.: Strength and Stiffness of Coarse Granular Soils; Muir Wood, D., Sadek, T., Dihoru, L., and Lings, M.L.: Deviatoric Stress Response Envelopes from Multiaxial Tests on Sand; Yasin, S.J.M. and Tatsuoka, F.: Stress-Strain Behaviour of a Micacious Sand in Plane Strain Condition; Behavior of Clays: Nishie, S., Wang, L., and Seko, I.: Undrained Shear Behavior of High Plastic Normally Ko-corisolidated Marine Clays; Nash, D.F.T., Lings, Mi., Benahmed, N., Sukolrat, J, and Muir Wood, D.: The Effects of Controlled Destructuring on the Small Strain Shear Stiffness Go of Bothkennar Clay; Fortuna, S., Callisto, L, and Rampello, S.: Small Strain Stiffness of A Soft Clay along Stress Paths Typical of Excavations; Parlato, A., d'Onofrio, A., Penna, A., and Santucci de Magistris, F.: Mechanical Behavior of Florence Clay at the High-Speed Train Station; Lanzo, G. andPagliaroli, A.: Stiffness of Natural and Reconstituted Augusta Clay at Small to Medium Strains; Silvestri, F., Vitone, C., d'Onofrio, A., Cotecchia, F., Puglia, R., and Santucci de Magistris, F.: The Influence of Meso-Structure on the Mechanical Behavior of a Marly Clay from Low to High Strains; Teachavorasinskun, S.: Inherent vs. Stress Induced Anisotropy of Elastic Shear Modulus of Bangkok Clay; Soil Viscous Properties: Sorensen, K.K., Baudet, B.A., and Tatsuoka, F.: Coupling ofAgeing and Viscous Effects in An Artifically Structured Clay; Duttine, A., Di Benedetto, H., and Pham Van Bang, D. Viscous Properties of Sands and Mixtures of Sand/Clay from Hollow Cylinder Tests; Enomoto, T., Tatsuoka, F., Shishime, M., Kawabe, S., and Di Benedetto, H.: Visocus Property of Granular Material in Drained Triaxial Compression; Deng, J-L. and Tatsuoka, F.: Viscous Property of Kaolin Clay With and Without Ageing Effects by Cement-Mixing in Drained Triaxial Compression; Modified Soils and Soil Mixtures: Kuwano, J. and Tay, W.B.: Effects of Curing Time and Stress on the Strength and Deformation Characteristics ofCement-Mixed Sand; Lovati, L, Tatsuoka, F., and Tomita, Y.: Effects of Some Factors on The Strength and Stiffness of Crushed Concrete Aggregate; Michalowski, R. and Thu, M.: Freezing and Ice Growth in Frost-Susceptible Soils; Ansary, M.A., Noor, M.A., and Islam, M.: Effect ofFly Ash Stabilization on Geotechnical Properties of Chittagong Coastal Soil; Lohani, T.N., Tatsuoka, F., Tateyama, M. and Shibuya, S.: Strengthening of Weakly-Cemented Gravelly Soil with Curing Period; Ampadu, S.: The Loss of Strength of An Unsaturated Local Soil on Soaking; Uchimura, T., Kuramochi, Y., and Bach, T.T.: Material Properties of intermediate Materials Between Concrete and Gravelly Soil; Kongsukprasert, L., Sano, Y., and Tatsuoka, F.: Compaction-Induced Anisotropy in the Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Cement-Mixed Gravelly Soils; Wang, J.P., Ling, H.I.,