Discover the captivating story of two girls with vastly different life experiences through their 7-day diaries. Embrace the opportunity for self-reflection and self-awareness as you gain insight into their daily thoughts, emotions, and unique perspectives as they navigate their contrasting worlds.
Explore the themes of diversity, empathy, and interconnectedness, allowing this inspiring journey to make you question your own perspective and consider whether the struggles we complain about could be a dream come true for someone else. Ultimately, this story reminds us of the power of our mindset in determining the quality of our life, and how gratitude, empathy and connection enables us to create a harmonious and compassionate world.
Join these two young voices on their journey of self-discovery and explore your own perception, emotions and life experiences through the 'Reflection Time' Activities.
(The Mind Body Soul Books provide a comprehensive guide to mindfulness qualities, mindset alignment, emotional awareness, and energy transformation techniques. By emphasizing these concepts, the books empower readers to take charge of their health and wellbeing, inspiring them to harness their natural abilities for navigating life's challenges and living a life of optimal health and wellbeing.
The books are designed to raise awareness among teachers, parents, teens, and children, offering practical tools and holistic modalities to support their journey toward emotional balance and resilience, as we guide them through the development of cultivating the best version of themselves possible. Through an insightful approach, readers can gain a deeper understanding of their mind, body, and soul, leading to a more wholesome approach to a nurturing, empowered and fulfilling way of living.)
Mind Body Soul Book Collection: